Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Samane?

A name used to describe an uptight person who insults you badly and for no real reason. A Saman normally links the army and uses slang from decades ago.

I could really go for some poontang.
No thanks
Your mom is no thanks
Hey? Saman?

Kid One is the Saman

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Samane - meme gif

Samane meme gif

Samane - video


Samane - what is it?

The name means greatness in the somaliregion.

Superman in Somalia is Samane

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What does "Samane" mean?

the real burger

im the saman

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Samane - what does it mean?

a beasty chick that has a good head on her shoulders. She is gorgeous and loud. She is not afraid to speak her mind. Even when she should keep her mouth shut. She can be funny at times.

Yea that would be the one and only samanator

Samanator has struck again....

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Samane - meaning

A company, used mainly in london. Samo Co was the original name, but was quickly replaced by Saman in the late 18th century.

Boy1:do you have the latest Saman phone? the Saman FU666!

Boy2:no, but i wish that i did have it. man it looks so good.

Boy1: innit bruv.

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Samane - definition

A young good looking boy whoβ€˜s a lover of every girl. He allways gets and damn the girls go crazy. Heβ€˜s known for being very smart and sexy. He never makes mistakes, because he allways knows what to do

Damn thatβ€˜ Saman! β€žWhere?!β€œ

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Samane - slang

A name that means that the person who carries the name knows everything and will be the head of his family

A name "Samane"

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most beautiful girl. beautiful face, body, personality. purest. extremely forgiving and loving and gullible. is prestige but doesnt know it. every girl wants to be like her. but shes one of a kind none can get. shes very honest and cant lie even if she tried. never opens up about anything going in her life. everyone trusts her. prettiest face i hav ever seen in my

''i want saman''
''so do i''
''i wanaa make er mine''
''not happenin in this world cuz''

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a very sexy beast in my opinion - not so secret admirer

dyammm that saman is a hotty!

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Can be shy but once you get to know her she's funny and lighthearted. Saman's can be indecisive but, they always have their best interest at heart. You can hurt her feelings and you won't even know because she can cover her emotions easily. She's like a flower. She blooms with kindness and can always make the mood lighten but then, she begins to wilt and fade if shes taken advantage of. She has this natural glow, that entices you to know her but, one wrong move and you're going to be shut out.

Oh my goodness, Saman always makes me laugh!

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