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What is Sabertooth?

A cougar who is over the age of 60 and is dating a man at least 15 years younger than her.

That's even beyond cougar, that's sabertooth!

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Sabertooth - what is it?

A sabertooth is a woman that is the older version of the cougar. A 60+ year old women who is on the prowl for fresh young male meat. She is old, rich, and looking for a crazy night of sex with a guy who can go all night long without Viagra.

I meet a sabertooth at a bar and she took me to her house and ravaged my tender young male body.

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What does "Sabertooth" mean?

When a man is performing oral sex on a woman and right when she is about to orgasm, the man bites her clitoris.

Joe: I gave her the tooth last night!
Bob: The tooth??
Joe: The sabertooth!!
Bob: Hahaha yeah buddy!!

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Sabertooth - what does it mean?

Rich granny that takes advantage of younger guys

β€œThat sabertooth took out its fangs and gave me the best gum in the world. #godblessed”

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Sabertooth - meaning

a woman or man between 60-80 years old who have sexual interest in much younger men or women.

My mom is a cougar and my grandma is a sabertooth.

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Sabertooth - definition

The baddest motherfucker to ever come out of Marvel Comics, Sabertooth is a feral mutant without even basest of scruples. Archenemy of Wolverine, the two have been tearing chucks out of each other since the late 1960's, ending with Sabertooth's apparent death at Wolverine's hands in the mid-2000's.

"You're not my father, my brother, or my clone. Why is it we can never get rid of each other?"

- Wolverine to Sabertooth in chapter 1 of the "Wolverine: Evolution" arc.

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Sabertooth - slang

any woman over the age of 60 dating men who are way younger than she is...surpasses cougar status by age

Her mother is a "cougar "...but her older aunt is a "sabertooth" !

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A woman over fifty having sexual relations with a man under thirty.

The grandmother is a sabertooth with her grandson!

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A good looking woman of retirement age who enjoys the company of much younger men. In other words, a woman who has outgrown her status as a cougar but is still remarkably attractive. Sometimes referred to as a GMILF.

Man, Joey's Grandma is actually pretty hot. I hear she's a bit of a Sabertooth too. I'd hit it

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A woman so old she should be extinct yet still out hunting meat.

That chick I banged last night was a complete sabertooth

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