Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SOMS?

something; a little som som

I'm gonna get me a little som som

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SOMS - meme gif

SOMS meme gif

SOMS - video


SOMS - what is it?

In the same family as LOL but much, much cooler. SOM stands for Shit On Myself. Because LOL is played out so bad SOM has started taking instant messengers by storm by way of hilarious imagery to the person that made the funny comment.

Joe: Dude we stuck a Hot Dog in Bud's mouth when he passed out last night and took pictures, total chief!

Jimmy: SOM

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What does "SOMS" mean?

Means "SHIT ON ME" used often in gay sex

"Dude just SOM, my chest has been dry lately and rub it in after you've excreted."

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SOMS - what does it mean?

State of Mind

Silicon Valley is not a place, it's a SoM.

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SOMS - meaning

Play on the name 'Soma' and the word 'highness.' Generally, people with the name Soma seem to be pretty royal.

- Ohh your Somness, how may this lowly peasant be of help to you?

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SOMS - definition

It's a Thai word meaning orange. When Thai people says "Som lon" or "orange falls", it's also a slang meaning you're having a very good luck.

If you won this lottery ticket, it was just like a big 'Som lon' on you.

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SOMS - slang

Stands for Scary Old Man

That man has been staring at me for awhile, he's such a som.

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A really sensitive person who over-thinks every little detail of life. A friend who can be trusted. Who is ferociously emotional. Caring. Generous. Sweet. Simple. And in one word, someone who is not understood easily.

som, you are rare to find.

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"SOMS" is a expressional acronym in the tradition of "LOL," "LMAO," or "ROTFL." Translated, the acronym means "Spat On My Screen." This term is used to denote that something received or viewed via electronic communication is so funny that the proverbial "drink in your mouth" would be ejected onto one's computer monitor.

"SOMS, LOL, LMAO. That email was so funny yo."

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'suck on my schlong'... telling another to suck on your dick, could be used as a joke

here are your options buddy: go to the game with me, go to the movies, or SOMS

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