Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SEXC?

SexC is simply used more commonly by Preps to refer to a jock as really cute, or attractive.

" Look at the quarter-back"
"wow is is really S-e-x- Capital C."

👍231 👎293

SEXC - meme gif

SEXC meme gif

SEXC - video


SEXC - what is it?

a word for describing something cool, has the same meaning as sexy but sounds better. originated on twitter, where all dumb words originate

"dude thats such a sexc idea"

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What does "SEXC" mean?

Pronounced secs-es (like exces)

Exces sex

I gots a lot of sexces last night

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SEXC - what does it mean?

when someone is better looking than anyone else much better than being called sexy making sexy almost an insult as you should much want to be called sexc

"nora and jackson are very sexc"

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SEXC - meaning

Sexy Person
AKA Alissa Agrey

Alissa is so Daymmmmmm sexc

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SEXC - definition

person sexier then anyone that u can SEE is known as sexC

god daymn he's hella sexC....

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SEXC - slang

used by people who are rad to describe something amzingly rad instead of saying sexy because thats straight

Nicole saw the word SexC at killer park north park and decided to use it for the rest of her life instead of the word sexy

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meaning sexy, but not in a creepy way :)) r u so sexc

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Sexc is actually a simple word really. It simply is the better way to call someone sexy, because sexy, is too lame.

"Dammn, Todd really is sexc!"
"Don't you mean sexy? Haha"
"No... you- you imbecile. I can't be friends with you anymore."

*Dramatically struts away*

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The superior version of sexy, that is all.

"How sexc of me to have gone to class today"
"Can you please stop referring to everything you do as “sexc"?"

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