Definder - what does the word mean?

What is S-Dub?

A nickname for anyone who has the initials S and W. Works best with people named Sean.

S Dubs, come over here. Why you so Crazy?

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S-Dub - meme gif

S-Dub meme gif

S-Dub - video


S-Dub - what is it?

S-Dub Phonetically short for SW, stands for Suicide Watch. When you're feeling down or upset about something, someone.

Boy's Keep an eye on Dave tonight he's on S-Dub, his girlfriend finished with him last night.

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What does "S-Dub" mean?

Obscene comedic blogger known for lack of political correctness and the creation of phrases.

"You just got S-DUB..."

"He/She did an S-DUB on you!"

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S-Dub - what does it mean?

Typical term used by "trendy" resident children of South Windsor, 0Connecticut to express the "ghettoness" of this rich white suburb. Denoting the S of South and the "dub" short for slang of the letter W from Windsor. Often expressed by under aged, over drugged, rich white children, to show how under privileged they are, and how rough they have it.

We're from s-dub, want to go to tiffany's and abercrombie and fitch?

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S-Dub - meaning

Stands for super-wasted.

I just drank my weight in beer, I'm s dubbed.

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S-Dub - definition

Used in reference to the Southwestern part of Little Rock, Arkansas. It gained notoriety when it became the number one location of gang violence in the South. Its story was chronicled in a HBO documentary during the 1990's called Banging In Little Rock.

Screamin S-Dub till I dieee!

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S-Dub - slang

Nickname for Southwest Little Rock. Bastardization of the old nickname "SW".

Mane it be a bunch of hoes walkin down Baseline and Geyer Springs Road down in the S-Dub.

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Short for Super Wal-Mart.

Yo, lets head to S-Dub, I need a loaf of white bread, some KY, and a Miley Cyrus poster.

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Nickname for Southwest Little Rock.

Mane, a bunch of hoes was walkin down Geyer Springs Road and Baseline Road in the S-Dub last night.

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Of or relating to the ghetto suburban town of South Windsor, Connecticut. Created roughly at the turn of the millenium, highly popularized by local rap group/legend "80 Dime Soldiers" and since substituted for all matters relating to the town. Abbriviated with "The Dub"

"don't fuck wit those niggas, they from s-dub"

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