Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Roastie?

A black female; this is derived from the girls vagina looking like a roast beef. Most of them are fairly dark, no lightskins, they do not qualify
Has been modified to fit those black females that give attitude.

"Damn that girls such a roasty!"
"frig here comes a roasty"
"ah another roasty with her kid!"

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Roastie - meme gif

Roastie meme gif

Roastie - video


Roastie - what is it?

4chan /r9k/ term for female; probably with an outie vagina

John : That roastie destroyed my life

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What does "Roastie" mean?

A woman you wish you could fuck, but are unable to.

"Stacey friendzoned me after asked her on a date, what a roastie!"

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Roastie - what does it mean?

1)An affectionate UK/Ire/Aus term for a roast potato, or

2)A slightly derogatory but humourous term referring to expansive female genitalia that causes near-catastrophic levels of cognitive dissonance in many empowered educated but hysterical female journalists and feminist bloggers, at once labelling it sad and pathetic but also threatening and dangerous, as they do with the general incel culture.

Poor lambs.

Man in English pub: I'll have a couple of lovely roasties to go with that, and some gra...
Feminist/Guardian/Jezebel ; RRRAAAPE!

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Roastie - meaning

South African slang for a graze or abrasion

My leg was covered in roasties from falling of my bicycle

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Roastie - definition

An incel or r9k term for a woman who is not a virgin, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how female anatomy works. They believe that a woman's labia somehow stretches when she has sex, although miraculously this only happens if she has unmarried sex with different men. The word "roastie" indicates that they think elongated labia look like roast beef.

That femoid rode the cock carousel so long, she's become a roastie. I am totally disgusted by her - why won't she have sex with me?

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Roastie - slang

Roastie is an noun used to describe a woman whose genitals have somehow magically mutilated into an entirely different shape, resembling a sandwich, due to her having multiple sexual partners.

It is primarily used by men who don't understand vaginas- often because they have never seen one.

John: That female had sex with someone who isn't me! I bet she looks like a chicken sandwich down there from all the Chads she's fucking! Roastie slut!

Jenna: That guy uses the term roastie unironically. He clearly doesn't understand anatomy, or is even trying to.

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A woman with millage on her poonani, she usually tries to justify her actions with the usual "genetics" argument. When in reality, she's just a hussy.

I was finally about to lose my virginity, then I found out she was a roastie :(

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Roastie is a joke used to describe a women whose vagina looks like roast beef due to having too much sex. It’s used to make fun of women who have slept around.

Him: she’s 30 years old and single

Friend: Yeah she’s probably a Roastie

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Middle aged Women who was very sexually active with many partners but now wants to get married and have kids, which is nearly impossible.

Bro: look at that cougar, bet shes DTF

Bro2: thats a roastie, ive seen her before, even if you taP that you will probably catch something

Bro: thanks dude

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