Definder - what does the word mean?


a refresher is a person you add on snapchat when you are bored of all your hoes and need a β€˜refresher’

Hey i’m bored of all these hoes i need a refresher!!

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REFRESHING - meme gif




REFRESHING - what is it?

Refreshed - Slightly intoxicated, happy, chatty, feeling merry, glazed.

Over-refreshed - smashed, blind, extremely inebriated, pissed, tied one on, wasted

Refreshed - After a few glasses of champagne I would say "Oh, I think I'm slightly refreshed".

Over-refreshed - "I woke up in the wrong postcode this morning, I must have been so over-refreshed".

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What does "REFRESHING" mean?

A term applied to a person who constantly navigates the internet; specifically internet forums, blogs, and chatrooms. The 'refresher' is termed so because they usually sit infront of their computer and constantly refresh forums and chat sites to read every constant message posted. 'Refreshers' frequently enjoy posts and messages featuring their names and opinions about them, especially posts and messages in this regard made by other internet users. Insecure and self-centered, the refresher is inclined to believe that the internet revolves around them.

Used as a derogatory/pejorative term.

Average American Boy 1:"Man, I love reading EVERY new post on this site!" *refresh*

Average American Boy 2:"So do I!" *refreshes, while fat deposits rapidly form on extremities*

Average American Boy 3:"Wow. You guys are faggot refreshers. Learn how to socialize, goons."

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REFRESHING - what does it mean?

The internet browser button that instructs the browser to reload the website.

404 error? I'm clicking 'refresh'!

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REFRESHING - meaning

In Warcraft III, it means closing all the open slots in a game and reopening them so the game appears further up on the custom game list. Thus, getting more people in your game.

"Refresh slots?"
"rf nub host"

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REFRESHING - definition

a famous tumblr user who is literally hilarious and nice to all of her followers. she has a thing for tumblr user fantasizingfunerals and she is literally online all day doing who knows what

follower 1: i just followed tumblr user refreshes today, her and shane are so cute
follower 2: i wish they would date already! both of their blogs are sick!

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The sexual act of wiping one's bonch ( aka chad, perineum) sweat on the face of another, either by direct contact with said bonch, or by soaking one's own hand with said sweat and proceeding to slap, wipe or rub another's face.

That guy who pipes up in lectures deserves a refresher...

Gave the hot chick with the fake cans a refresher. Hot!

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nifty, cool, all right, or in agreement.

alternate - "ziing"

John: I made teh reservatinos for 8
Jane: refreshing

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Relax; Chill out; Calm Down

Kid 1: I have a test tomorrow and I'm so stressed and I don't know what to do-

Kid 2: Dude! Refresh, seriously!

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The act of freshening one's friend after a long, drug-fuelled evening by arranging their face (eyes closed) just over a basin, while another cups their hands under a running tap (faucet) before thrusting - with great speed and accuracy - the handful of cold water onto the face and up the nasal cavity of the waiting friend. A 'slap' should be heard if successful.

Inductees to the ritual may fail to close their eyelids tight enough, so a pained "AARGHHH!!!" may be emitted as the water is forced under one or both lashes. This should be laughed at with vigour.

Almost comatose friend #1: I'm feeling like I've been run over by a train

ACF #2: The only thing that can save you now is a refresher

ACF #3: I'll hold your hair back

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