Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RAST's?

(Noun) The period of relaxation immediatelely following any activity that promotes a higher consciousness. Derivitave of the "Rastafarian" religion. Usually associated with the enhanced awareness achieved by partaking of the cannabis sacrament.

"I used to hate Christmas, too, but... I'm feelin' pretty RAST, so let's go smoke out that homeless dude that's always chillin' outside the grocery store."

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RAST's - meme gif

RAST's meme gif

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RAST's - what is it?

To win a table tennis game with ease or to be a master of the rally.

Forest gump went to china to mally rast.

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What does "RAST's" mean?

when u cant talk and accidentally sound like a chronic masterbator

slurred speech masterbation talking and saying faping rast fast masterbater

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RAST's - what does it mean?

another word for "worst"

paul, you're the rast

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RAST's - meaning

When something good happens.

"Raaaaaaaaaaaaast!!!! This is proper bo I tell thee"

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RAST's - definition

the funniest fucking word ever

man, rast is the funniest word I've ever heard

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RAST's - slang

Random As Sweet Text

idiotard sent me so many RAST's last nite,,

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Something indescribably β€œcool” or β€œawesome.” Often used in casual banter between friends or extremely chill people.

β€œDude did you see that movie last week?”
β€œYeah man it was totally rast!”

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The opposite of dense, in every sense of the word.

Whoa my balloon just flew off! -What'd you expect? It's pretty rast.
Man that guy was rast as hell, he's like a particle physicist or something.
Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness' is NOT rast, I only got like 5 pages in...
Bro why's my boat sinking? -Because the rastity of the water is lower than the rastity of your boat, stop being so dense.

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This is a dynamic word that means negative in general.
1.It can be used in many contexts to mean; bad, cruddy, terrible and many others.
2.Rast can also be used to describe mood.
3.Rast can be used to as a curse word.

1. OH MAHN, this food is rast.
2. MAHN, I feel like rast.
3. RAST!!!!!

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