Definder - what does the word mean?

What is proper bo I tell thee?

used by craaaaaaig daaaavid in the hit UK show Bo Selecta

👍59 👎21

proper bo I tell thee - video


Proper bo I tell thee - what is it?

It (meaning an event) was very good i'll warrant you!

I just went to the polo game and then went fox hunting... it was very good i'll warrant you!

👍53 👎17

What does "proper bo I tell thee" mean?

Avid merrion famous phrase which is saying "really good i tell you"

"that hamburgers Proper Of The hook I Tell Thee"

👍45 👎19

Proper bo I tell thee - what does it mean?

1) telling somebody about something "cool" or "rad"
2) means its really good, i'm telling you"
3) verbal content used by craig david himself

thats proper bo i tell thee

👍47 👎15