Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Punk Rawk?

whoever said the last one was a poofter as is wrong FAGET!!!

punk rawk show -MXPX

👍69 👎133

Punk Rawk - video


Punk Rawk - what is it?

lik3 im sO t0ttaLy PunK raWk!

pUnk raWk f0r3v3r!

👍79 👎161

What does "Punk Rawk" mean?

1.) An evolution to the term: "punk rock" that only the cool, uber pxnk and emo kids use.

2.) A term used by those making fun of the "cool, pxnk rock" kids.

3.) Your mom.

1.) Now THAT is punk rawk.

2.) Like, omgzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Simple Plan r0xorz they are the shiznizzy and the "uhpitamy" of punk RAWK!!!!11

3.) Holla!

👍95 👎151

Punk Rawk - what does it mean?

The reason people label those "punk rawk" bands on MTV as posers, is because those bands = posers.
Punk died in the 1980s. I wish they'd stop trying to resurrect it. I've debated this over and over. Punk is dead, kids. Get over it.
Now, I bet some of you will ask, "Zack, why does this matter?". I'll tell you why this matters. It matters because the genre is dead, and now the bands who claim they are punk are NOT a part of this genre, they are a sub-genre of pop, which is why it's called "POP-Punk". It's popular to like this new "punk rawk", and quite frankly, the record execs are only making money off this new "genre" they've created.

"But these bands are REAL punks! LOLOMG!"
Sorry, kid. No, they aren't. Punk died before you were born, I'm sure.

I'm not saying that anyone shouldn't listen to this new, pro-found genre of "music", that's up to them.
I'm just saying that punk rock is dead, because it is.

Bands of this new "genre" do nothing but whine their damn heads off. This new "genre" is basically a sped up version of emo music. Oh man, do I HATE emo music. It's not for me. I don't like listening to guys who sound like they got sacked in the nutsack by a football player whining about how their girlfriends left them for the guy who works in the donut shop.
Thanks, but no thanks.

I don't mean to sound rude, but i'm tired of listening to these MTV-watching 12 year olds who think Simple Plan and Good Charlotte are the best PUNK bands ever.

These kids don't know the real punk bands, because the REAL punk bands hardly ever got any airtime on radio.

True punk bands: The Ramones, The Clash, Bad Religion, Black Flag

Posers: Blink 182, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, New Found Glory, the list goes on...

👍591 👎407

Punk Rawk - meaning

the way gay posers say "punk rock"

"Im so gay..i love punk rawk music..actually i dont really listen to it cuz im a poser and i just like spelling it"

👍171 👎97

Punk Rawk - definition

the way girls who like Avril Lavigne & Hilary Duff say punk rock

Like, oh my Gawd! Avril is soooo punk rawk!

👍731 👎345

Punk Rawk - slang

People who are considered less than cool, because the lie to brag about music and steal Avril Lavignes (supposed) style. Usually includes Xs in front of names, and they like to make 50 grammatical errors per sentence.


''Wheres the flood? Glorias rolled up her pants to show off her striped socks, again''

👍171 👎63

Punk Rawk

the word the evil posers (AKA spawn of satan) use to besmirch the goodname of punk rock, bands like dead kenadys are real punk rock bands, not bloody avril lavigne or simple plan or good charlotte(who all just need to find a place to die). Also the girl who wrote the message above mine needs to be hit on the head with something very very heavy. (also i apolagise for my inhability to spell)

11 year old teeny bopper: Like omg! i just like bought the new avril lavigne album! IM SO PUNK RAWK!
Other 11 year old teeny bopper: Like omfg! me too! lets go put on our baby blue t-shirts that say PUNK in sparkly silver lettering, go down to Hot Topic and be punk together!
Me: please die, right now, i am not even joking

👍211 👎53

Punk Rawk

a word used by people who do not listen to punk rock

bla bla bla PUNK RAWK 4EVAS!!!insert unnecesary symbols like "$" and "#" here

👍401 👎63