Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Potatoing?

Flew around my room

A potato flew around my room

👍105 👎15

Potatoing - meme gif

Potatoing meme gif

Potatoing - video


Potatoing - what is it?

Australian Internet in a nutshell

My internet is potato.

👍539 👎75

What does "Potatoing" mean?

Food of the gods which have been blessed to us. A religious item that can be used in ceremonies.

The naked witches danced around the holy potato.

👍1991 👎251

Potatoing - what does it mean?

A religion that believes that potatoes are the ultimate source of life, and that everything began with potatoes.

Pat: What's your religion?
Eric: Potatoism
Pat: What's Potatoism?

👍241 👎25

Potatoing - meaning

it is the meaning of life

potato is my way of living

👍8503 👎681

Potatoing - definition

A religion that is holy in all aspects.

Potatoists worship the holy moon baby and the small potatoes. They believe that the Meme Army protects them from the wretched Vegital who lives in the Chewy Boba land.

If a Potatoist lives a good life, they are judged and sent to the basket, a holy land ruled by potatoes. If they are bad, their souls are sent to the Vegital's Realm and their Potato is sent to McDonalds.

They believe that the world should be Sommunist.

Enlightened man: "Hail the Potatoes in all life!"

Average Man: "What do you mean?"

Enlightened Man: "It means that you worship the Moon Baby. It is the only way to live properly."

Average Man: "..."

*The room is filled with holy light.

Enlightened Man 2 (The Average Man): "Yes. All hail the Potatoes!!! I am now a true man of Potatoism!!!"

👍33 👎11

Potatoing - slang

The expression means: "Whatever!", with an ironic tone.

Phoebe: Even if the break up again, you better not let him in your sad men's club.
Ross: Divorced men's club.
Phoebe: Potato, potato

👍51 👎31


Same meaning as Potato Potahto, but used when texting to save time and energy of spelling out Potahto.

From the "What's that Word" podcast...Bald men, redheaded men; Potato Potato.

👍109 👎21


The art of being a potato, it requires years of intense trainin to learn the art of being a potato. First you must be one with the potato, this is hard. Luckily I've been potatoing for over a decade.

So, what do you wanna do today, Ciara?

I know, let's do some potatoing!

👍45 👎57


When someone acts Insanely crazy or starts asking questions that make no sense. Usually happens due to lack of sleep.

Aiden: can worms cry...?

Emma: go to sleep, your potatoing
Aiden: I lock worms up in my basement and use their skin as pencil grippies
Emma: go to sleep, you're potatoing too much

👍87 👎75