Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Potato Soup?

Very chunky and thick vomit, only found inside of a sink.

"Yeah dude there was a lot of Potato Soup coming out of me yesterday night."

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Potato Soup - video


Potato Soup - what is it?

Potato soup the act of ending one's self or someone else

Man I really want a potato soup myself right now

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What does "Potato Soup" mean?

Noun: slang for diarrhea with little chunks.

Excuse me a moment while I use the restroom, all that curry is making me bake up some chocolate potato soup.

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Potato Soup - what does it mean?

The best god damn soup in Barnes and Noble.

Hey you, get me 4 orders of that potato and leek soup right nao!

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Potato Soup - meaning

This is the best soup to ever exist

Person one: you have to try to taste this potato leak soup now
Person two: ok give it here

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Potato Soup - definition

Vomiting in an asshole and then eating it out with a spoon.

"Two girls one cup was nothing compared to the potato soup I saw last night!"

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