Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PorB?

The triangular shaped man-breasts an adult male gets when he combines the eating of too many toblerone bars with drinking Guinness and eating only takeaway. Note: The condition is worsened by lack of exercise and excessive computer gaming.

Ewwww! Look at the DM's porbs!

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PorB - meme gif

PorB meme gif

PorB - video


PorB - what is it?

Short for porbography. Porn with globular objects.

It's really embarrasing when you're caught looking at porb on your computer.

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What does "PorB" mean?

I know you meant to type in β€˜porn’, we all know. Give up, you’re not going to find anything on the Urban Dictionary.

The dumbass reading this typed in β€˜porb’ instead of β€˜porn’. Loser.

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PorB - what does it mean?

A pubic hair which has grown so large it has become the ruler of all the other pubes.

"This porb is huge. One porb to rule them all!"

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PorB - meaning

The intense feeling of euphoria, usually experienced after pulling an all-nighter, or caused by long durations of sleeplessness.

Straight up, I was so porbed the last two hours of my graveyard shift last night, everything seemed crazy to me.

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PorB - definition

The class 3 protein (PorB) is an important component of the meningococcal outer membrane. The structural gene (porB) encoding the class 3 protein has been cloned using primers suitable for the amplification of the corresponding chromosomal fragment by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

What? You though I was going to talk about a word being misspelled? Porb.

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PorB - slang

When you mean to type porn but make a mistake.

Lotion check, tissue check, ok hardcore porb...what is this on urban dictionary?

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Porb is a common search term in Google that is the result of fast lazy search typing when searching for adult content. Be sure to clear your browsing history as if porb comes up in history people will be suspicious.

Sources: The pioneer of porb:

I was searching for porn on Google but accidentally searched for porb

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Porb: What I typed in after seeing the screenshot from urban dictionary on a forum, just to see if googling porb really does take you straight here.

It does.

I mispelt porn as porb, and delayed my masturbation by whole seconds.

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You meant to type in porn on google but you made a typo and typed porb instead. You then saw the urban dictionary page which made you curious so you clicked on it. Now you are reading this.

K-Y? check. Kleenex? check. PORB

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