Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Play it Off?

The Barry Manilow song played during strip poker.

Hey Andy, why don't you play it off. I like to look at your sexy, pale body.

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Play it Off - video


Play it Off - what is it?

What stpid people do when they do something stupid when people are around

Man, Mason tried to play it off yesterday after Stephanie said he had a small penis and smelled of cheese.

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What does "Play it Off" mean?

The act of outwardly ignoring something which you are acutely aware and/or guilty of.

I'm just going to stay home and play it off like I don't remember telling my Grandma I'd help her sort yarn tonight.

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Play it Off - what does it mean?

To make someone believe that you don't know something, or that something doesn't bother you.

He was bothering me but I just played it off.
I didn't want her to know I was drinking, so I played it off.

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Play it Off - meaning

feign indifference

I was totally freaked to see my ex-old lady there, but I'm cool. I played it off like I didn't care.

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Play it Off - definition

Too divert attention away from something

When i fell down da otha day i had 2 play it off

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Play it Off - slang

To act indifferent when someone asks you about something or an uncomfortable situation presents itself.
Most often done when pretending something doesn't bother you that actually does.
The hip, less dramatic way of "being empathetic"

"The guy I like a lot just fucked my best friend, but I played it off like I didn't care."

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Play it Off

to act like it didn't happen

"She just told me 'no'"
"That didn't stop Kobe, play it off"

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Play it Off

1) To act as if something which has been brought up as a major occurance is really nothing special.

2) To escape punishment or an uncomfortable situation by denying allegations of involvement, esp. by placing blame on another person

1) Sukisoya thought the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima was tremendously horrible, but Gerard played it off as a necessary step for progress

2) Mrs. Lowery accused me of stealing the test key, but I played it off on my home boy Reggie

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Play it Off

To play it off is when you do something embarassing in front of other people and act like you meant to do it.

1)We leaned out of the car to wave at Sam; however, Sam was not in the car, so we played it off by sticking our hands on top of the car.

2)At an orchestra concert, I put my violin up too early so I played it off by scratching my chin with it.

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