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What is Philly cheese-steak?

wraping your pussy hammer in cheese(american,swiss,or provolone)then warming it up in a girls pussy until soft and then shoving your steak and cheese into her mouth.

Dan: "my girlfriend was really hungry last night"
Joe: "what did she want?"
Dan: "a philly cheese steak"
Joe: "ooo so where did you go pats or ginos?"
Dan: "i made it in her mouth"

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Philly cheese-steak - video


Philly cheese-steak - what is it?

When a male deuces on a female's chest, proceeds to "sleeze" on the poo, and follows it up by sliding it into her mouth.

Jason gave his girlfriend a philly cheese steak after she had told him that their relationship was losing flavor.

👍45 👎133

What does "Philly cheese-steak" mean?

the philly cheesesteak is a strict combination of the following actions in the following first donkey punch a broad from behind, this then causes her to tighten her butt cheeks, thus making it able to give her the pink sock. after this you then give her the jelly donut. if you'd like to add extra grease to your philly cheese steak you shit on the broad after it's finished.

one night i was really tying one on and i met a girl that i really hated but she wanted to get at it doggy. so i started to bang her out, then i got the urge to donkey punch her so i did, and since i was hittin that keister it provided me the perfect chance to pink sock her. by this time she was in some serious pain, so i turned her over and let go right in her mug, followed by a right hook to the nose. feeling invincible i then shit right on her....just then yeti came in and asked if i was hungry and i said no, but this bizzle just got a philly cheesesteak...extra grease.

👍51 👎133

Philly cheese-steak - what does it mean?

A condition of some vaginas in which the labia minora extend to an unusual degree beyond and below the labia majora, resembling a philly cheesesteak sandwich.

"That ho's philly cheesesteak was so bad I thought she had a basset hound stuffed up her twat."

👍71 👎157

Philly cheese-steak - meaning

When u jizz in your hand then wipe it on your pubes and then the girl licks it off

I think the girl liked the philly cheese steak i just gave her.

👍79 👎167

Philly cheese-steak - definition

while eating a girl out, pack a fat dip and spit it out in her pooter

my hick boyfriend gave me a philly cheese steak last night

👍59 👎85

Philly cheese-steak - slang

One of the best sub-foods in the U.S. A real Philly Steak is normally extremely greasy, it taste real good even if it may drip grease. Not like the dumbass definitions other people put. This sub, obviously, originates from Philidelphia.

I had the munchies yesterday, I munched the fuck out on a Philly Cheese Steak.

👍313 👎85

Philly cheese-steak

When you knock someone out, you put a roll out of someones butt, cum and piss in it, and put some food in it and take a picture.

When my girlfriend was being an asshole, i gave her a Philly cheese-steak

👍41 👎115

Philly cheese-steak

A delicious sandwich consisting of grilled steak, Mozzarella cheese, onions, and green peppers. Fattening but delicious, this meal is worth ruining a good diet.....

Shawn B. loves Philly cheese-steaks....... how in the dickens does she stay so skinny?

👍63 👎121

Philly cheese-steak

The Only Place to get a cheesesteak worthy of the name is in philadelphia, The best are Geno's and Pat's wich are located in south Philly, a cheesesteak is a Amoroso hoagie roll with chip steak and either provolone, american, or cheese wiz, some people like fried onions or peppers but they are not included in a true cheesesteak. NOTE: the term "philly cheesesteak" usally means the cheesesteak is not a true cheesesteak, also cheesesteak has no hyphen between cheese and steak

ya'll honky muthafuckas dont know shit about cheesesteaks

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