Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pek?

Slang for a midget or a very very short person.

Man I was watching some midget porn the other day. Those peks are horny little bastards.

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Pek - what is it?

calling someone in tagalog peks means slang or short form for pek-pek
vagina,pussy,cunt in a friendly way

hey man your such a peks you didnt even showed up last night,

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What does "Pek" mean?

1)its in the girls body;this is kind of machine for boys.

it can make ur dick larger and bigger and longer if its small!!u know!!!a machine!!

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Pek - what does it mean?


A Filipino word meaning beautiful; a word typically used to praise people. This is a very useful word to use especially when flirting with other Filipino

β€œMabantot ang pek pek mo πŸ₯°β€

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Pek - meaning

Acronym - Pussy Eating King
A person who is very skilled in the art of cunnilingus

50 ate my pussy so well last night. My pussy was wet for hours. He deserves a crown for doing it so well. 50 is a PEK

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Pek - definition

pek pek is a filipino word that means pretty or beautiful. Alot of people use this word or phrase to express how beautiful or pretty someone is.

for example if someone says "I am so pek pek!" or "you are so pek pek" they are telling you how pretty/beautiful you are.

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Pek - slang

filipino word for female genitalia.

1. I came out of my mommy's pek pek
2. Pek pek is the main commodity sold by pok poks (hookers)

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(noun) filipino word for pussy

Joseph has a pek pek instead of a titi

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Pek is a Danish slang work for "Pik" which means dick.

Jekob's pek was erect

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When something is so peak that the a went flying off. It is a term of increasing popularity amongst the urban youth of London, rivalling that of peak and it often comes accompanied with hand gestures replicating the peak of a mountain.

It can refer to an excellent or top quality situation/object/event/person. (1)

e.g. Pek times for you getting an A* in maths GCSE

Curiously, it can also refer to a very negative situation. (2)

1) Oh man that rave was ^pek^!

2) Dude, your girl is giving you bare shit nowadays, that's pek.

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