Definder - what does the word mean?


(1) Used as a substitute for 'shit' or 'crap' to express dismay.
(2) Fecal matter.

"Oh poopies, I just blew up your parents' house."
"brb, I have to make poopies."

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POOPYING - meme gif

POOPYING meme gif

POOPYING - video


POOPYING - what is it?

A name that you give to puppies that crap all over the house no matter how hard you try to housebreak them.

I rescued two little poopies from the animal shelter. My carpets will never be the same....

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What does "POOPYING" mean?

A hilarious response to any question.

" Can you tell us the area of this rhombus Jimmy?"


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POOPYING - what does it mean?

poopi is the most over powered word in existence. when someone uses poopi, they are automatically the coolest person you will ever meet. poopi is a compliment and you should be proud to say and receive. this one is for comet <3

person 1: oh my god he is such a poopi!
person 2: i know right it’s crazy

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POOPYING - meaning

kids term for shit

mommy i poopies on the dog.

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POOPYING - definition

A derogatory term used to describe someone that's done something stupid. Derived from the word "poop".

Origin: Greek (poopda)

She changed the channel during the football game. She's such a poopis.

Just watched Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader, the contestant was such a poopis.

Person 1: Hey remeber that Spongebob episode with that song?

Person 2: I don't watch Spongebob anymore you Poopis

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POOPYING - slang

yummy breakfast

i ate some poopy today

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a fantastic word for interupting a very intelligent and serious conversation with one another which is most affective when used completely and utterly at random moments or when u have to take a major poopy..yes yes some people may say you are childish but there just jealous..

susie:Man i cant believe my sister almost died.
Dan:I am so relieved shes okay.
Random stranger:poopy

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poopying the process of eliminating solid waste from the body

i got a hold of some rancid food this morning and spent all day poopying my pants

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A cutsie way of saying a Phat Shit

person 1: Where you been all night bro?
person 2: I been taking a phat ass poopie sorry.

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