Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oral B?

As in "Bitch please, my teeth are clean"

"How are your teeth?"
"Oral B, bitch please, my teeth are clean"

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Oral B - video


Oral B - what is it?

The process of a woman performing relation on a man until he ejaculates into a toothbrush which is then inserted into his urethra too the bristles. Once inserted he thrusts his pelvis which the toothbrush is in the woman’s mouth essentially brushing her teeth with his seed.

I just got a new toothbrush so the wife and decided to break it in and whiten her teeth with a Moses Lake Oral B-J

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What does "Oral B" mean?

small, disposible "toothbrushes" that fit on your finger. no toothpaste or water needed.

rip, slip, bruch, AHH!

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Oral B - what does it mean?

A girl who loves to get her mouth on any guy she can. She brushes her teeth frequently.

"I'm gonna call up Oral B and see if she's up for a danglesesh for tomorrow morning. Just hope I don't get the rake."

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Oral B - meaning

When you brush your teeth with a jizz covered toothbrush.

Justin decided he needed to improve his dental hygiene, so he decide to have an Oral-b once a day.

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Oral B - definition

when a girl gives you a bj while shes brushing her teeth so your cock gets sucked with a minty brushy twist

that hoe just gave me a fresh oral b.

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Oral B - slang

a girl who can deep throat a toothbrush and gives lots of incredible head.. preferably named Laura(duq)

Damn! Look at oral b, she gettin him off in a min flat, shes a damn pro!

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Oral B

When you rub your balls or butt on someones toothbrush. The next time they brush their teeth they gat an "oral b."

I was at my sister in laws house and I oral b'd her toothbrush with my ass n balls.

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Oral B

How New Yorkers ask for head

What that mouth do? Let me get some Oral B.

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Oral B

Where you take your dick and brush a passed out person's teeth with it.

This girl passed out then i did an oral b on her.

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