Definder - what does the word mean?

What is On The Move?

refers to the effect a woman at work has on a man's penis. The result of which could lead to sexual harassment law suits.

Lindy, I thought about you last night and I must say "it moved."

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On The Move - video


On The Move - what is it?

1. Used as an exclamation of a particularly pleasing situation.

2. Used to inquire about future intentions.

1. Awe, man! That's the move!

2. So... what's the move for tonight?

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What does "On The Move" mean?

When you no longer have feelings for the person you was with and have feelings for someone else.

Im moved on from Peter i like Paul.

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On The Move - what does it mean?

That's what's up, or thats what we/i should do. Can also be said as "that's not the move"

"I just picked up a pound bro, let's slang it!"
"That's the move man"

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On The Move - meaning

Similar to "it's a thing" or "it's a good idea" but flows much better.

"It's a move to grab pizza after work?" "Nah, not a move. I'm on a diet, remember?" "What about sushi, hm?" "Definitely a move! I'm so down."

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On The Move - definition

The act of flirting with a girl or woman, or selecting a subject to be robbed or mugged

We're moving to you, fam. Ah, look at this girl, fam, let's move to her.

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On The Move - slang

Having plans, Somewhere To Go, Reservations ,ect.

I Need Some Moves For Friday.

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On The Move

Moving on is something that you have to do after you spend over a year liking the same guy who doesn’t like you back. It’s letting go of them because it’s not healthy for you or helpful for them to keep it going this way. Moving on is what you have to do so you can still be friends with this person before you disappear from their life.

M: So how are you feeling now about you and O?
E: I’ve decided that it’s time I start moving on
M: Oh that makes sense
E: Yeah

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On The Move

A way of asking what the next objective is.

1. What are we going to do?

2. What's next?

3 . What's the plan?

So what's the move for tonight?

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On The Move

Jump out of the troublesome stuffs and go on with your life; Stop to go on making a happy living from all the pains that you had.

After breaking up, I move on cuz life is still full of hopes for me.

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