Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Old Timers?

Old Timer's Disease aka Alzheimer's

I'm guessing you're starting to get Old Timer's Adle

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Old Timers - video


Old Timers - what is it?

The greatest board on the planet, with even greater people on it.

see also: OT's

"ooooh, your on the net?"
"whatch'a on?"
"Old timers of course!!"

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What does "Old Timers" mean?

An apt mondegreen for Alzheimer's Syndrome.

I think my granny has Old Timer's Syndrome... she keeps calling me "Mr. Roosevelt"!

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Old Timers - what does it mean?

slang for Alzheimer's disease

The elderly are not necessarily the only victims of old timer's disease, although they are the ones who get it the most.

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Old Timers - meaning

An old pedophile South Dakota who drives a big van which he claims has candy inside, and plays Counterstrike in his basement while he masturbates to his extensive collection of asian, kiddy, bdsm porn.

"please, no, HELP!! NOO!! dont take me home with you Old Timer. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I dont want it! I dont want it! What are you doing with that handkercheif and that bottle of clear odorless liquid?! no HEEEEEELP!"

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Old Timers - definition

An affliction in individuals over age 60 that causes them to be unable to stop telling stories about "the good old days"

possibly a hereditary condition

When I turn 60 I'm sure I'll be boring everyone talking about my high school days because old timer's disease runs in my family.

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Old Timers - slang

When you are in the shower and you let your hand get wrinkly from the water, so it looks like an old person's hand, before you start masturbating.

He's been in the shower for almost half an hour now! He must be giving himself an old timer.

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Old Timers

A player in Stress Level Zero’s β€˜Bonelab’ who is knowingly avoiding using new features in the game.

β€œWhy won’t they download the new mod manager?”

β€œBecause they’re an old timer. Simple as that.”

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Old Timers

Old person. Usually an insult, and often used when talking directly to said old person. Slightly less derogatory than geezer.

"Hey, old-timer, why don't you learn how to parallel park?

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Old Timers

Someone thats been alive for a long time

The word can be used like this "Man that old timer knows his stuff, go ask him how to do it" If you need fishing tips ask a old timer they know there stuff

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