Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OH MY LANTA?

Something a country girl says all the time

For no apparent reason

And then I kissed her

Oh my lanta

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OH MY LANTA - video


OH MY LANTA - what is it?

An Oh my lanta moment happens when some one of the age of 20+ punches a toddler and below.

Oh my gosh Greg why did you punch that newborn this is a real Oh my lanta moment.

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What does "OH MY LANTA" mean?

Oh my lanta ( from fuller house ) this means oh my gosh or being Surprised

Oh my lanta cant believe you would do that

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OH MY LANTA - what does it mean?

the best flipping phrase ever....from the movie the ringer....usually used when words are beond your reach, and this is basically all your mind can handel saying....

fat glasses guy: oh my lanta you are my woman...
lunch lady: *walk away fast*

Laura: i cant believe that ethan didnt come to the movies with us tonight......
Hillary: and ethan were totally going to make out, oh my lanta i cant believe he missed it....
Laura:ya i know...i was going to make out with him two
*phone* (its ethan)
Ethan: sorry i couldnt come to the movies with you guys....
Laura: ita ok ... but you were totally going to get to make ot with Hillary and Me both tonight...
Ethan: dont make it worse for me....oh my lanta...
Hillary: ya Ethan i thought you were going to be my date since Daniel was grounded!!!!
Ethan: Im sorry, can i make it up to you guys in any way?
Laura & Hillary: *thinking deviously* welll.......
(the story is what you want it to be from here)

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OH MY LANTA - meaning

Like Oh My God but different wording

*Insert jumpscare* Oh My Lanta!

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OH MY LANTA - definition

It's a different saying for "oh my god"

If you drop your phone you will say oh my lanta instead of "oh my god".

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OH MY LANTA - slang

Definition unknown, though suspected it may be similar to "Oh my God" and "Oh my gosh".

Oh my lanta! I think I just soiled myself!

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An alternative way to say "Oh my Lord" or "Oh my god". The origin of the phrase is unknown. Not even the most brilliant scientists can decipher the mystery.

"Oh My Lanta! I just wet myself."
"Oh My Lanta! That man must weigh over 450 pounds!"

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Uncle Jesse's favorite saying on the timeless classic sitcom, Full House.

Stephanie drives Uncle Joey's car into the kitchen. Jesse interjects, "Oh my lanta!"

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A way of expressing surprise or astonishment. Used in place of phrases including "Oh my God!" or "Oh my Lord!," so as not to offend anyone by "using the Lord's name in vain."

Origin: Mylanta is an antacid used to alleviate symptoms including heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach or gas. Thus, "My" tends to lead into "Lanta" rather smoothly.

"Did you notice that woman had a strange bulge in her crotch?"
"OH my LANTA are you SERIOUS?!"

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