Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Noob Sauce?

Someone who is absolutely new something, but still pretends to know what he/she is doing. usually to an annoying degree.

noob sauce: DUDE!!! i got a kill! woot in your face!!!
regular person: i just got back from eating a half-hour lunch and you only found my guy once?!?!?

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Noob Sauce - video


Noob Sauce - what is it?

The substance ejected from an individual when a solid hit is placed upon them, namely in Counter Strike when a weapon pierces a player where pixelated blood is sent streaming from the wound.

Player1: omfg my scout just reamed your head and blew noob sauce all over the wall XD
Player2: omgwtfhax

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What does "Noob Sauce" mean?

the pownage of a n00b(z).

"hey manny, your boobs are concave."

manny gets noob sauced every french class,
manny is the defintion of n00b.
(ps ashton b. is too.)

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Noob Sauce - what does it mean?

A term used to describe more than one newbie, noob, or nub.

Veterans use it to say they are out to get that noob for doing something.

A general area of where noobs participate in.

Noob - 1 4/\/\ t3# r0<x0/2!!1!
Veteran - I am going to add you to my noob sauce!

Wrong - Look at all the noobs over there dancing! Eww!
Right - Look at the noob sauce over there dancing! Eww!

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Noob Sauce - meaning

a word used to tell someone who is being an idiot that they are being an idiot

(person drops cafeteria food on the floor and it gets everywhere)
random guy: aw dude i think you got a little noob-sauce on your face. might wanna wipe that off

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Noob Sauce - definition

being totaly new at somthing and being really bad at it too

i faced this one noob in paintball and i totaly wasted him.. but it was fucken funny when he started to cry. he was a noob beyond noob.....he was noob sauce

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Noob Sauce - slang

A delicious sauce made from the skin and souls of ignorant players of MMORPG's & Online FPS'. It's extremely good with breadsticks and for added spice you can throw an orphan or two into the mix, but be sure to take off their shoes because... well think; eggshell, only with laces.

Intelligently Humble Person: *ponder* Found more ingredients the noob sauce John! Bring the truck back!
Intelligently Humble Person: John, we may need more than one truck.

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Noob Sauce

A player on Xbox Live that is continuously pounded into a bloody pulp.

"That kid sucks a Halo 3. He's a noob sauce."

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Noob Sauce

Really good and amazing. If someone calls you noob sauce, it is a compliment to you.

Person 1: Yo he’s so noob sauce

Person 2: IKR! He’s so good

Person 3: thank

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Noob Sauce

Noun. The theoretical excrement that is expelled from one who is not skilled at a particular activity or game and is subsequently beaten handily due to the aforementioned lack of ability.

May also be used a way of describing one who is inferior, juvenile, or otherwise pathetic.

Most commonly used in the video game world as an expression of substandard performance.

I beat Aaron and Jon so badly at hockey today that there was noob sauce all over the rink and it clogged the Zamboni.

I just pwnd that pathetic noob sauce at Halo.

My 5 year-old brother is such a noob sauce, he drank Windex thinking it was blue Huggie.

A Wendy's drive through is not an appropriate place to find Noob Sauce.

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