Definder - what does the word mean?

What is No catta?

Somebody who do too much and acts like a gay catta

Your a gay ass catta bitch fagot

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No catta - video


No catta - what is it?

The biggest catta out here.

1 boul : I kiss you right now bro
2 boul : You really top catta boul

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What does "No catta" mean?

A group of best friends from high school

β€œLet’s go hang with the Catta’s”

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No catta - what does it mean?

A gay boy who is usually a gay thot

Ray is a catta, he slept with 6 guys in one week.

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No catta - meaning

comes from the latin word "Scatter" and from there the united kingdom word "Scatta"

means a pussy or a scardy cat someone who runs away from a situation.

Hey, why don't you stop being a Catta!?

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No catta - definition

No catta means no gay shit or in other words " pause " when something gay occurs or is said

I love sausages

No catta ! You on some nut ass shit

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No catta - slang

another word for faggot

"Thyiem is always acting like a catta"

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No catta

Philadelphia slang for gay or homosexual. Derived from defamed gay boxer Yusuf "Catta" Mack

Where the trannies at?

Yooo no catta cuz

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