Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nut ass?

when a man bends over with or without a banana hammock on and you can see his ass n nuts

man why you bending over showing me your ass nuts n shit

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nut ass - video


Nut ass - what is it?

when a guy moons someone and the other person can see his nuts hangin down, so it looks like ass nuts

did you see joey's ass nuts when he mooned us?

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What does "nut ass" mean?

To be stupid,

you f*in nut ass bitch! Look at these nut ass b*tchesZ!

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Nut ass - what does it mean?

A distinct smelling aroma that smells like the entire gooch region including the testicles, the buttocks, and the scrotum.

Joe bent over and let one loose, and now it smells like nut ass balls yo!

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Nut ass - meaning

A person who seem really cool that you fuck with , then they start doing weird op shit towards u and still wanna act like your friends

Hey I miss you do you miss me?

What no you speak to me for real.

Ok fuck you pussy That’s why I fucked your friend

You a nut ass bitch stop hitting my line

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Nut ass - definition

A girl who is seemingly normal, but upon talking to her, you realize she is actually crazy, weird, spazzy or all around unpleasant to talk to.

"God damn, Allie's pretty hot"
"Definitely. Too bad she's a nut ass bitch"

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Nut ass - slang

Another slang term used people from Philly use to tell somebody they doing some nut shit

Riz smacked dis jawn yesterday

Oh yea he a nut ass youngbull for dat

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Nut ass

A nigga they be on some bitch shit,nut shit,hoe shit (typically Philly slang)

You’s a nut ass nigga

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Nut ass

A slang term in reference to something corny or lame typically used in the Philly region.

''Boul got on them nut ass Timbs.''
''Fuck outa here them nut ass braids in ya head.''
''I hate working at this nut ass job''

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Nut ass

1.a person who is just a dumb fuck
2.a squirrel
3.someone with an odd fettish for shoving acorns or other tree nuts up their own ass.

1. look at that stupid nut ass.
2. that nut ass keeps eating the bird seed
2. haha you are a NUT ASS

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