Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nigga Nuts?

when a guy got a tinny nigga nuts

why he got tiny nigga nuts

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Nigga Nuts - video


Nigga Nuts - what is it?

Balls nigga nuts

Keith:balls nigga nuts
Henry:balls nigga nuts

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What does "Nigga Nuts" mean?

wocky nigga nuts is when someones nuts is wocky and nigga like

man that boy got some wocky nigga nuts

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Nigga Nuts - what does it mean?

A remix version of xxx song in wich it says "mmmm nigga nuts"

Friend 1:yo play that vid again
Friend 2:what vid
Friend 1: mmmm nigga nuts
Friend 2: oh ok
Video:mmmm nigga nuts

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Nigga Nuts - meaning

Highly informal term of endearment.

Hey Nigga Nuts....whats happening?

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Nigga Nuts - definition

When your cancer kicks in and yo cum be looking like theres fucking lil brown nigga up in this bitch/mudslide but it’s cool cuz you be vibing

Nigga 1:Yo have you heard jahs new song
Nigga 2:Nah isn’t it called nigga nuts?
Nigga1:Yea i just don’t get what the title is supposed to mean
Nigga 2:
WHAT you never dropped a nigga nut?!

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Nigga Nuts - slang

The balls of a black man

yo I hit her with my lipton tea bags
your what?
My nigga nuts

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Nigga Nuts

Big black testicles that are huge and round. They are moist and Meaty.

β€œJamal has big round nigga nuts.”

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Nigga Nuts

mmmm nigga nuts.....

ayo whats up says mike to joe joe says mmmmmmm nigga nuts

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Nigga Nuts

its when

nigga nuts ice cream cone

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