Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brown nigga?

A nigga who is good looking and who only lives in ATLANTA and He Either mob or crip and his name either start with H through W

Cheerleaders:Hey do you see that light brown skin nigga he so sexyyy

Coaches: light brown skin Nigga get away from my cheerleaders

Ligh brown skin nigga : πŸ–•πŸΎ

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brown nigga - video


Brown nigga - what is it?

one of your close niggas.

colby: what up nigga brown?
kate: nothingg chillen you?

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What does "brown nigga" mean?

Marijuana that isnt quite that good green shit

"what are you doing smoking that nigga brown weed, come smoke my haze"

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Brown nigga - what does it mean?

the resturaunt "doc brown's chicken" at universal studios hollywood. it is only used when telling another person what resturaunt you want to go to in the theme park.

(at the park with the munchies)

guy1: dude i'm hungry
guy2: so what do you want to eat? how about the jarassic cafe?
guy1: no man i want some...scratch that i need some Doc Brown's Nigga Chicken......NOW!!!

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Brown nigga - meaning

Similar to white nigga. Brown instead of white . Refer - β€˜white nigga’

Person 1 : hey nigga ..wassup?
Person 2: wtf you’re no come you say nigga!? You racist imbecile .
Person 1: I’m a brown nigga you moron. I’m nigga ..I’m brown..whatchya problem?

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