Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NewFags?

A NewFag is a new user to a certain program or video game, usually referred to in 2b2t, NewFags are often inexperienced and bad at the game they are playing, the word NewFag comes from the word Newbie and Faggot

Hey Josh, there is so many NewFags joining today.

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NewFags - video


NewFags - what is it?

A word used by no-life internet nerd elitists to describe somebody that has not gone into a subject as deeply as the internet nerd did (mostly because the normal person has a life), and the internet nerd acts like a jerk towards the normal person because the normal person (what the nerd calls a "newfag") got a single small detail about a subject wrong.

Between newfags and internet elitists, newfags are the lesser of the two shits because they don't revolve their lives around whats on the internet.

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What does "NewFags" mean?

Pop culture's side-bitch. Newfags have no genuine taste of their own, therefore lacking an artistic perspective on ingenuity. As a result, newfags put their efforts into appeasing to one (or more) of the mainstream trends; which just fit the mold of the status quo at present time.

Being a newfag in literal context means to exclusively like what ever is current, and popular, (regardless of what it is) while negating everything else. Newfags are constantly dialed-in to webpages like YouTube Trending, Google Trending, and apps like Instagram and Snapchat, in order to stay in the loop of being bound by society's grip; the mandatory custom of a newfag. Ignorance and bliss.

Guy 01 (newfag): "Hey! Is that metal? What are you listening to?"
Guy 02 (normal): "I'm just listening to some old school Sepultura, man."
Guy 01 (newfag): *Hears word "old" in sentence* "Ew, fuck that old haggard shit. If you're gonna listen to metal; you HAVE to listen to something NEW!" *Mindlessly checks YouTube Trending Page...* "Like this! It's called... Slipknot - All Out Life"
Guy 02 punches Guy 01 deadass in the face, proceeding to move on with his life, while Guy 01's own music selection is blurting out lyrics like:
"Old DOES NOT mean Dead!
New DOES NOT mean Best!
No hard feelings, I'm tired of being right about everything I've said..."

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NewFags - what does it mean?


β€’A term that originated on 4chan by the anons who referred to people coming from the site
New - The first word of Newgrounds
Fag - A derogatory term used on gay people or in general term used on people who are acting stupid but want to use a more hateful slang term.

β€’Newfag also refers to people who are new to anything, primarily 4chan or an imageboard. Not knowing the ways of how the site is ran and associated with. The term is commonly used for those acting out as a special snowflake.

Newfag - a general internet slang term for new people to something in general.

Other words associated with Newfag are:


"Oh god, we have a newfag here with us on /b/ again. Go back to tumblr you special Snowflake"
"Jimmy is a fucking newfag from hell. He goes to Newgrounds all the time"
"What's with all he newfags on tumblr? Is it really that bad?"
"God damn, you can't play Splatoon for shit; What a newfag!"
"Are you a newfag? You should know how Apple only wants to take your money. Like they care about you as a person!"

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NewFags - meaning

A term used by newfags.

Only newfags say "newfag".

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NewFags - definition

1: Someone who has been on /B/ before and still doesn't Β Β Β Β write in full sentences.
2: Usually can't triforce.
3: Spams threads.
4: is in any other way unnecessarily annoying.

OMG NewFag.
no im not i can triforce
Wow, way to fail at something you said you can do.
Β Β β–²
β–² β–²

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NewFags - slang

a term for new players on 4chan and is often used on the Minecraft server 2b2t

"Welcome to 4chan newfag!"

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A person who cannot triforce.

newfags can't triforce.

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Any new person, or thing, to enter a site.

"the damn newfags ruined this room"

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A newcomer to 4chan. Hated by Anons everywhere. Usually this person consists of failure and tries too hard to fit in.

Newfag needs to GTFO of my 4chan, nao.

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