Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Neglection?

When Nick doesnt give soupie the needed attention, affection, or social interaction.

Some random girl :"Im feeling neglected by my boyfriend.."
Soupie: "You dont know neglect until youve witnessed Nick streaming, ignoring me."

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Neglection - meme gif

Neglection meme gif

Neglection - video


Neglection - what is it?

this is what stace, the man , experiences cuz im payin her back for what she never gave me

omg this is so neglectment, shut up man or imma bitch slap your ears

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What does "Neglection" mean?

How women treat their husband after the honeymoon is over.

If your wife says: "Not tonight dear, I have a headache" you have been neglected.

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Neglection - what does it mean?

When your significant other wont woozy you to sleep when you desperately need it.

Wow, i wish i could be woozyed to sleep by my boyfriend but instead im getting totally neglected.

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Neglection - meaning

The feeling of being ignored by your boyfriend, Josh.

Stop with the neglection, it hurts.

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Neglection - definition

Adjective: A combination of eclectic in appearance AND neglected in maintenance. As if an eclectic look can divert attention from something poorly maintained.

Their living room was neglectic with oddly placed light sabers and kid art covering the cracks around doorways and windows.

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Neglection - slang

Implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one's attention

The Brat is being neglected by the Anchovy.

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principal got fired for it since he childed abused

ryan galante is neglect

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A passive form of abuse in which the perpetrator is responsible to provide care for a victim who is unable to care for oneself, but fails to provide adequate care to meet the victim's needs, thereby resulting in the victim's demise.

Neglect may include failing to provide sufficient supervision, nourishment, medical care or other needs for which the victim is helpless to provide for him/her/itself. The victim may be a child, physically or mentally disabled adult, animal, plant, or inanimate object.

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To disregard or pay little attention to something

Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.

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