Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NOT VALID?

Something that is awesome; an exclamation of the superb; used to express admiration and high quality of a subject or event.

"Dude, that was valid."
"That trip was pretty valid."

👍137 👎65

NOT VALID - video


NOT VALID - what is it?

A word that's been permanently watered down to make any and all identity accepted, whether it's a legit identity or it's completely made up.

Person: Wow, you're so valid!
Person 2: Honestly, that word is so watered down I can barely feel its meaning.

👍113 👎41

What does "NOT VALID" mean?

Slang word used to describe something or someone that is really cool, radical, excellent, on-key, amazing, awesome, ect. Often used as a substitute for legit of legitimately

Bro: Dude, that party last night was so valid.
Breh: Yeah man, I know it was totally valid because I can't even remember that we had a party!

👍287 👎107

NOT VALID - what does it mean?

A response to a hurtful, or disrespectful comment. When said, the person who uttered the original comment must compliment the person they just insulted.

Person A: You're a whore!
Person B: Validate that!
Person A: I LOVE your shirt.
Person B: Thank you.

👍89 👎27

NOT VALID - meaning

Something that is very cool, exciting or of a high standard.

1. Nice boarding move - valid!
2. Man, how valid was that movie?
3. Check out the wheels on that beast - now that's valid!!

👍771 👎239

NOT VALID - definition

Pretty , Hot

Damn That Girl"s Fine Af, She As Valid As Sam Jabra

👍731 👎231

NOT VALID - slang

Something that you, the person reading this, is

You're valid as fuck sweetheart <3

👍1969 👎525


1: Someone who is hot, cute, or attractive

2: Something that is enjoyable, fun, and liked

Person 1: Damn you see that girl over there
Person 2: Yeah she's valid

Person 1: Yo that party last night was valid
Person 2: Yeah but those shoes I had on were valid too

👍835 👎215


Used when you're making a statement about how someone's personality, character, or entire existence, is 100% normal and should be seen/accepted as a good thing.

Sarah: Tom, did you erase all my MP3s?
Tom: Hey! File sharing is a crime, and I'm not gonna be anally raped so you can listen to Usher.
Sarah: *Sigh* You know Tom, this whole "anal rape" thing is really causing both of us to miss out on a lot in life

Sarah walks away. Seconds later, she realizes her mistake for calling out her husband's traumatizing fear of being anally raped. Tom, who stands in the kitchen with a stern but calm face, watches as his wife approaches him with a serious look.

Sarah: Tom, honey, I...I' sorry. I shouldn't have treated your issue so carelessly. I shouldn't have been so...inconsiderate of how you feel. Your fear, your issue, 100% valid and I want you to know that I care about you. I know the trauma that you went through was hurtful and has caused you pain and suffering, but I want to let you know...I will always be there for you. Being so open about how you're feeling and expressing your emotions and fears shows how much of a real man you are. That makes you so much of a valid person. It's the reason I married you Tom. I hope you can forgive me. I love you.

Tom sheds a tear as he listens to every word Sarah has spoken to him. He's stunned and relieved to hear how much his wife loves him.

Tom: Sarah, I always knew you were the one the first time we met. Those words just made my day. I love you too Sarah.

Tom and Sarah glance into each other's eyes, and share a wholesome kiss.

👍511 👎131


A term thrown around with no explanation in Shot Caller. The word used when a person has been confirmed as being involved in a gang, prison or otherwise. Could lead to more restricted priveleges in the hole, segregation from general pop, and possible time in the SHU. Once you have been validated and are out of prison, you get a "special condition" of your parole, and that means that you cannot associate with anyone who is a gang member, former gang member, affiliate, associate whether you knew it or not. If you are caught doing so, you get more time.

Money "you know I can't be seen around anyone validated"

👍461 👎31