Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mousetrap?

When you're going down on your girl during her period only to discover the bloody string dangling from her tampon.

Joe still remembers the horror of going down on his girlfriend for the first time, only to discover a bloody mousetrap! He's now gay.

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Mousetrap - meme gif

Mousetrap meme gif

Mousetrap - video


Mousetrap - what is it?

To use methods traditionally associated with evil ends for good, or vice versa.
Inspired by a patent on a revolver-based mousetrap filed in Dec 26, 1982 by inventor J.A.Williams

-This worthless SJW rant blogger is now posting serious progressive content..
-Pulling a revolver mousetrap of radicalization I see

-Let's get some subway sandwiches..
-Subway? That place sells revolver mousetrap sandwiches!

👍27 👎11

What does "Mousetrap" mean?

n: "A Stinky Mousetrap" is the act of farting in a very crowded Disney monorail while the doors are shut in the monorail is in motion.

While riding in a very crowded monorail from the Magic Kingdom to Epcot at Disney World Scott thought up "The Stinky Mousetrap" and silently farted and stunk up the entire cabin. There was nothing anyone could do, and no one was able to blame Scott. It was the perfect crime.

👍49 👎11

Mousetrap - what does it mean?

The act of, while receiving roadhead, suddenly putting your tilt steering wheel as far down as it will go, thus trapping the person's head in your crotch.

Best done with a girl from Mississippi or Kentucky, because odds are she will not have enough teeth to bite your junk off.

My cousin Molly sure got mad after I gave her the Mississippi Mousetrap.

👍91 👎15

Mousetrap - meaning

A disposing container where women place used feminine products.

Don't forget to clean the mousetrap in the woman's restroom, its been a heavy month.

👍41 👎37

Mousetrap - definition

When getting blowjob standing up, point at something to make her look away. Quickly tuck your dick between your legs when she turns back to continue, let you dick hit her in the chin.

"Hey look at that" ..."What?"... *SMACK*..."MOUSETRAP!"

👍103 👎87

Mousetrap - slang

When riding a snowboard backside down a mountain, to catch the edge of the board and abruptly throw the top half of the body forward bending at the waist - similar to the way a mousetrap operates.

"He mousetraped and broke his wrist.."

👍87 👎43


Name given to a tall, lanky teenager who is able to run quickly after insulting people. Given to frequent outbursts and ramblings.

There goes Jonny, scurrying away like a little mousetrap.

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The Act of inserting A baby mouse into a womans vagina, while the man places a small piece of cheese into his urethra, then inserts his penis into the woman in hopes that the mouse "will get trapped trying to get the cheese."

Oh, baby, Im going to mousetrap you so hard.

Lets play mousetrap!

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The interchange of Interstates-70 and 25 in Denver, Colorado

"Traffic is backed up at the Mousetrap this morning. Take another route to downtown Denver."

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