Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Money day?

Money day is when money grows from trees, money falls from the sky and when you don't need to pay for ANYTHING!

Girl-What the why is the whole mall packed!?
Boy 1- it's money day stupid!
Boy 2- Money day ,You don't need to pay for anything

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Money day - video


Money day - what is it?

On this day you give money to everyone called Katie Tregunna no matter how big or small but must be over 1 pound

β€œguess what day it is today! It’s national give katie Tregunna money day”
β€œOh god better save up”

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What does "Money day" mean?

On this day you give money to everyone called Katie Tregunna no matter how big or small but must be over 1 pound

β€œguess what day it is today! It’s national give katie Tregunna money day”
β€œOh god better save up”

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Money day - what does it mean?

A day where you give somebody money because why not usually occurs everyday

β€œIf he can’t break bread he fake”

β€œNational give your friend money day”

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Money day - meaning

Let Your Child Buy Whatever They Want With Their Own Money Day is when you Let Your Child Buy Whatever They Want With Their Own Money Day. Let Your Child Buy Whatever They Want With Their Own Money Day is on the 7th of October

Let Your Child Buy Whatever They Want With Their Own Money Day

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Money day - definition

february 19
february 20
february 21
february 22

dad: what day is it
son: february20
dad: heres $20 share it with youre sister(s) and or brother(s)
son: why tho?
dad: beacuse it national give youre kids money day

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Money day - slang

This occurs every year on October 14. You should’ve been cuffed by this time because fall is cuffing season. If you don’t give your girl $, she should break up with you.

Omg oscar! It’s October 14! Have you given your girl your entire check yet?

No mark, what are you talking about?

Mark: Its National Send Your GF Money Day today!

Oscar: whatttttttt

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Money day

you give your own girlfriend money on November 12

Hey, it’s National Give Your Girlfriend Money day!

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Money day

8th August every year where people have to give people name Lia money

Person- I have to send Lia money for international send Lia money day

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Money day

You have to give all your friends money one the 13th of October

Person1 oh hey it october 13th
Person2 okay here’s 20 bucks. Happy give your friend money day

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