Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mofro?

When a white person has an afro but since he's not African it's not.

Matt Veinotte has a mofro!

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Mofro - meme gif

Mofro meme gif

Mofro - video


Mofro - what is it?

A mother fucker that has a big afro.

John is such a mofro.

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What does "Mofro" mean?

A plethora of pubic hair. There's more fro down there.

"Man that chick digs my fro, but when I drop my draws, she loves the mofro.

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Mofro - what does it mean?

Portmanteau of "modernist" and "afro", i.e. an afro hairstyle worn by modernist thinkers, or more loosely, early-20th century writers, such as poet Ezra Pound, playwright George S. Kaufman, The New Yorker founder Harold Ross, and playwright August Strindberg.

George S. Kaufman had some crazy jokes." "And some crazy hair. That guy had a mofro.

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Mofro - meaning

Someone who is being a lamer in regards to the current conversation.
Like, if they say something stupid or confusing, you would look at them as if their hair is messed up.

Basically, a kid-friendly version of MoFo or mother f*cker.

What'chu talkin' 'bout MoFro?

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Mofro - definition

A hairstyle that is a combination of a mullet and an afro.

"Did you see Kanye West's hairdo at the Grammy's"
"Yeah that was a total Mofro"

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Mofro - slang

A replacement word for 'Mofo'

Lay off you mofro.

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1. Southern soul-blues-funk band.
2. Replaces any other noun; ie, means whatever the fuck you want it to mean.

1. I saw a Mofro concert the other day.
2. I'm hungry. Let's go get some mofro.

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a mohawk made from a hairdo that would otherwise be considered an afro.

-Is it a mohawk?
-Is it an afro?
...Nah, it's a mofro.

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A hairstyle that consists of a cross between a mohawk and an Afro. Usually mocked if seen.

Did you see that tool the other day? he had a mofro!

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