Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Minkey?

a shaven monkey with tattoo's who gets drunk and fights with broken bottles!

check out my minkey its all drunk and stuff

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Minkey - meme gif

Minkey meme gif

Minkey - video


Minkey - what is it?

Accident Prone

Minkey Kinsella: i think if you look my name up in the dictionary there will be the words "accident prone". doh!

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What does "Minkey" mean?

A girl monkey.

That chick is one crazy minkey.

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Minkey - what does it mean?

a human with anthropoid traits

he is a minkey

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Minkey - meaning

the French pronunciation of monkey,
a la "Inspector Clouseau" of
"Pink Panther" movies fame.

"You're an ass minkey!"

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Minkey - definition

A cow's udder.
When drawn, it usually has a smiley face.

Woahhh, look at that cow's huge minkey!

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Minkey - slang

A word or saying that you would use to say when you are happy or madd. Usually screaming it or saying it in a enthusiastic way, with hands up.

"ahh i cant wait togo tonight."

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An absolute retard. The word is based on a person who is really a MINKEY. The word β€œMINKEY” can be shortened to β€œMink”

Niko look at that faggot, he looks MINKEY!!

Tayketh look at that mink

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A crafty, mischievous girl. Usually good-looking and prefers to hangs out in a pack of other minkeys. Has an affinity for bright purple coats, perfume, and brunch.

Minkey 1: Do you want to get some brunch?
Minkey 2: Only if it's free
Minkey 1: It's already been paid for by that european man in the corner
Minkey 2: You're such a minkey!

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Monkey to Minkey

Monkey to Minkey

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