Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Micheline?

When a large man, with at least one belly roll is recieving a blowjob, he takes said roll and places it on top of a girl's head.

Did you hear about larry? he Michelin Manned that chick last night

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Micheline - meme gif

Micheline meme gif

Micheline - video


Micheline - what is it?

dirty micheline: when you spot your crush in the hallway or in public and immediately jizz in your pants and then you feel your face and it’s a little bit dry so you use your cum as moisturizer

talia: bro are you okay? what’s that stuff on your face?
micheline: sorry i’m fine it’s just my crush was in the same 50 meters as me so i pulled a dirty micheline

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What does "Micheline" mean?

An extremely fat baby, usually with multiple rolls on every limb. Resembles the Michelin Tire Man and the giant marshmallow from Ghost Busters.

Did you see those old pictures of Rosie O'Donnel? She was such a Michelin baby!

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Micheline - what does it mean?

When a person is obese to the point that their body fat starts to curve inward, forming rolls not unlike those of the Michelin Man.

That girl's got a bad case of Michelin flab. They say 'you are what you eat.' Well, she looks like she devoured three fat people.

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Micheline - meaning

The stroking of another man's penis usually in a very strong grip making the man's schlong turn blue and feeling its pulse

Man 1: Bro why are you in the hospital?
Man 2: That bitch did the Michelin Grip on me man

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Micheline - definition

Another name for a coxswain or peson that sits in the back of a rowing boat and does nothing but add dead weight.

Matt (a.k.a.Britain) is a Michelin.

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Micheline - slang

A modern day BDSM practice. The Dominant makes the submissive wear several pairs of underwear, so they look like the Michelin tyre man.

This is often done embarrass and humiliate the sub,, for example they may be sent to work or out in public wearing several sets of underwear so it is visible beneath their clothing.

This practice was first used in New York, 2017.

He Michelinized her with 10 sets of panties and sent her off to work.

She enjoyed her first Michelinization, she was deeply embarassed.

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Rolls of fat around the hips. Can be used either affectionately or derogatorily.

That lady might have some Michelin, but she has a sweet face and a nice personality.

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She is a rare treasure and is not afraid to be alone. Often misunderstood, but only those really close to her knows that she has a heart of gold. She is a trail blazer and like a missle she goes after what she wants in life. She may not be gorgeous, but she is loyal, caring and a great listener. She is a problem solver and likes to take on challenges. Cannot stand people who are fake, a hypocrite and are not humble. She can smell bullshit from a mile away and is not afraid to be blatant about things with due time. She is nice, but do not confuse that as a weakness. Always roots for the underdog because she is one herself.

It is easy to poke fun at the name Michelin because of the Michelin tires but the meaning is β€œhe who is who is like God” which is way more powerful that a Michelin man joke or the other two horrible definitions before this one.

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An arguementitive lovely person who will always lrnd a hand

Micheline is the way to explain it

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