Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Meander?

an unforgiving aura that follows a person of no significance whatsover.

I saw waY2Krowed wallowing in his meandering miasma in front of a 7-11 yesterday while I was going to FYE to pick up the Black Crowes' latest DVD.

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Meander - meme gif

Meander meme gif

Meander - video


Meander - what is it?

When a women's vagina merges with her anus, making one huge slit on her crouch.

The old women had anal sex so many times that she was given a meandering minge.

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What does "Meander" mean?

V.Hanging out on a rock wall midway through a rappel. Usually with some ice tea and a bag of chips.

Parker and Daniel try their best to meander once a year.

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Meander - what does it mean?

Wandering around aimlessly, looking for nothing, in a funk, in another world mentally

He meandered around the lake cottage in a fog. He walked in circles, meandering in a daze, when he heard the news of his sister's death.

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Meander - meaning

1. n.: are the footprints of meanderthal in its tourist acception, mainly. Which are most of times by pairs, unless some disabled Homo deserves the qualification

2. v.: to meander specially if in a meanderthal way.

3. n. the group of websites, specially blogs, we use to visit or end navigating without any definite purpose

Those are meanders by authentical meanderthal

The one that meanders up these valleys of green & grey

I was stuck in a bunch of meanders blogs while googling

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Meander - definition

to walk aimlessly around anywhere

lets go meander a bit more

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Meander - slang

Mega Man X7

"holy fuck, Mega Man X7 is meandering"

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A word re-invented by Seรกn Maher XD meaning to walk around the place i.e. to float through the crowd, like walking but involves more... meandering.

The Fox meandered through the crowd in her BRIGHT RED & PURPLE clothes.

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Synonym: Wander

To walk about in an observant fashion

"Lets go for a meander"

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It can be like a river with a bend. IT is also a great way to dissmiss random shit said by retards. Also can be formed into an oxbow lake.

Retard "what the time?"
Guy "its meander, you fucking retard"

John "meander"
Guy "oxbow lake"
John and Guy "ahhhahahh"

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