Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mcdavid?

he is the best hockey player in the world

Connor Mcdavid scored an amazing goal

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Mcdavid - meme gif

Mcdavid meme gif

Mcdavid - video


Mcdavid - what is it?

When the calls are going your way in a game. When it seems that the refs want you to win by making the calls for you. Similar to the madden effect but in real life. This is in reference to Connor McDavid getting the shit beat out of him every game but never getting the call.

Oh man that pass interference call was reverse mcdaviding, they really want the saints to win.

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What does "Mcdavid" mean?

Connor McDavid is a Center for the Edmonton Oilers. He is a transcendent talent in the NHL whose talent is slowly withering away in that hellish place known as Edmonton. McDavid is stuck Edmonton for 6 more years trying to carry a bunch of overpaid scrubs that tyrannical dictator Peter Chiarelli signed to massive extensions(also Leon Draisaitl because he actually panned out) while trying to cope with the insufferable depression of missing the postseason again and again. God allow him to escape the NHL factory of sadness.

Of Connor McDavid goes his entire career without winning a Stanley Cup, we are agreement to ransack Edmonton and burn it to the ground

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Mcdavid - what does it mean?

Connor McDavid is a Center for the Edmonton Oilers in the NHL. He is the true Jesus of hockey; The best in the game. All opponents bow down to the great Connor McDavid.

Connor McDavid is the best hockey player in the world.

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Mcdavid - meaning

Essentially what’d happen if you customized a player to have 100% talent and 0% personality

β€œHave you seen that postgame interview of Connor McDavid? Amazing player, but the personality of a soggy plank of wood.”

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Mcdavid - definition

Noun., floral arrangement, often popular with midgets dressed up in ewak costumes. Contains male farimones. Toxic.

" i ran into a patch of mcdavid the other day"
"please sir i want some more"

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Mcdavid - slang

A McDavid is a joint or spliff and there are many variations of the word such as: MacDave, McBradley, McDorris and Dobbins.

boy 1 : yo we need to ride out boys were gonna be late

boy 2 : aight lemme just smoke this McDavid real quick

boy 3 : yeh couple quick dobbins then lets roll

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term used for a flaming piece of french toast.

Mcdavid is a faggot from france

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