Definder - what does the word mean?

What is McAsshole?

A person who offers you the rest of their McDonalds fries only to pass you an empty container.

She is a real McAsshole.

👍25 👎11

McAsshole - video


McAsshole - what is it?

guy who comes in and order alot of food and makes it hard on the kitchen workers

Joey:you see that guy that ordered 10 mcdoubles 4 quarter pounders and 2 mcchickens? Drop some 10 one and 4 one
Kyle: What a mcasshole

👍35 👎25

What does "McAsshole" mean?

A good way to tell a person that they are an asshole.

Damn you are acting like a real mcasshole.

👍77 👎87

McAsshole - what does it mean?

a McDouble and McChicken enfused sandwich. the mcdouble has the bottom taken off and the whole mcchicken is attached to the now bare bottomed mcdouble.
made famous by hungry stoners with low funds as the total comes to 2.00 plus tax.

(Stoner 1): "Yo, man. I'm hella hungry but all I have is like 3 bucks and a ball of res in my pocket."

(Stoner 2): "Get a McAsshole bro, never fails to disappoint."

👍39 👎35

McAsshole - meaning

Have you ever gone to McDonald's, and like There is this employee who is a straight-up Dick. Like you swear this bitch probably is gonna spit on your food if you so much as tell her/him you want extra sweet and sour sauce so you can put that shit on your fries too. And Straight up has that attitude like you kicked her puppy and your handing her some cash. Or in Many Cases, it can be the cook you don't see, who is slack-a-lacking and don't add the extra item you wanted.

The person in the window straight up is being a McAsshole, what's their problem?

Dude they didn't add the extra mayo to my McChicken, What a McAsshole.

👍25 👎11

McAsshole - definition

A. Contemptible, detestable person.

B. A good way to tell a person that they are an asshole.

C. Brad Hoffman

"Your being a real McAsshole!"

"Damn you are acting like a real mcasshole."

"You're A real McAsshole Brad!"

👍95 👎67

McAsshole - slang

Often one will go out to eat at McDonalds, only for the mexican dude at the cash register to mess your order up. A McAsshole is the stupid guys at McDonalds behind the counter constantly messing peoples simple orders up.

A: Dude all I asked for was a friggin McSalad shaker and that McAsshole gave me chicken McNuggets!

B: Lets McJump him after his shift is over.

A: Good idea. In the mean time I'll go take a McShit.

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A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.

"Your being a real McAsshole!"

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an asshole who makes frequent trips to McDonald's

"no nigga i don't want a Double Cheesburger, I want a Big Mac"

"Man, you actin' like a real McAsshole"

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