Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Man Pussy?

A bagel that has been micro-waved for 30 seconds to soften that is then placed between two sofa cushions and then gets fucked by a guy (Add cream cheese for extra enjoyment!)

Since he was without girlfriend and money, Mark decided to get off with a Poor Man’s Pocket Pussy.

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Man Pussy - video


Man Pussy - what is it?

An auto-response for many guys, when there is nothing good to say. Made popular by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith, Jay and Silent Bob.

1: What are you going to eat today?
2: Pussy, man!

1: Dude, what's your favorite color?
2: Pussy, man!
1: You never know what to say! One answer for everything... "Pussy, man"

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What does "Man Pussy" mean?

1. a man who enjoys the sight of beautiful naked women, specifically in porn
2. a man who enjoys seeing lesbian sex or lesbian porn
3. a man who is attracted to women eating other women

WOMAN: ""Do you like what you see pussy man?"
MAN: "Oh yeah!"

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Man Pussy - what does it mean?

a mans tight butthole

You Got A Tight little Man Pussy on Yah Don't Ya

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Man Pussy - meaning


the practice of African tribe elders slicing little boys dicks and then fucking the slits. the boys dick is referred to as his "man pussy".

After making the proper incision, Shaq continued to ravage Bednar's man pussy.

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Man Pussy - definition

same as mangina

gay man's arse-hole

that is one tight hot man pussy

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Man Pussy - slang

A gay man's raging insatiable rectum.

My man pussy is so hungry it will eat that whole watermelon and spit out the seeds!

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Man Pussy

gay expression. the male anus and rectum.

He fucked my man pussy.

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Man Pussy

A gay/bi mans asshole.

Garrett Poenitske can literally fit a whole large cucumber in his man pussy.

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Man Pussy

gay man's butt

Fuck my man pussy hard and deep

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