Definder - what does the word mean?


When one person goes full sucking face and makes out in public.

Bob was totally mouth raping that chick at the bar

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MOUTH RAPE - video


MOUTH RAPE - what is it?

The burn induced in the mouth by chilis when eating hot food.

"nice bit of mouth-rape there"

👍31 👎73

What does "MOUTH RAPE" mean?

When an individual or individuals consume food items or beverages with such veracity that it is spoken of as if committing a violating act with one's mouth.

Guy 1: Man Johnny sure did go ham on that all you can eat buffet today.
Guy 2: Yeah, no kidding. Talk about team mouth rape.

👍33 👎11

MOUTH RAPE - what does it mean?

when someone buys you a shot, and it is so grose it feels like your mouth has been raped.

I just got raped in the mouth by a whiskey shot!

I love mouth rape!

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MOUTH RAPE - meaning

When someone talks bad about you behind your back

Kat: "I'm so about to get mouth raped by Danielle.."
Chris: "How do you know?"
Kat: "Shes pissed at me and just ran off with Emily to the bathroom.."

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MOUTH RAPE - definition

When someone kisses you without consent or invitation.

Ewww gross...did you see that? Too tight pants, Sr. just mouth raped me!

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MOUTH RAPE - slang

when a person forces another person to kiss them or a "rape" by "mouth"

"I can't believe that guy i went out with yesterday mouth raped me yuck"

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When someone without invitation and against your will performs a full-on-tongues-n-all kiss on you but you are either too surprised/drunk/polite to push them away. The result of which is that you have effectively 'snogged' that person despite never having had any desire to do so.

Eurgh! I was just chatting to that freaky boy with the mono-brow last night when he mouth raped me. I was so shocked I didn't know what to do and before I knew it we'd already snogged.

👍259 👎157


The act of placing one's finger into the mouth of a yawning victim.

This MUST be done when the mouth is open at its widest, to get the ultimate effect and the least chance of them biting your finger off. This must be a quick "in" "out" motion whilst the perp shouts "MOUTH RAPE". This leaves the victim feeling unsatisfied, violated and unable to finish their yawn.


Indikah: "Im sleepy" <-----YAWN's

Laura: See's opportunity and moves in


Indikah looks on in shock feeling violated.

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