Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MOHIT?

A beta male with a tiny Dick

Guy 1: Yo bruh she broke up wit me cuz Iā€™m a Mohit
Guy 2: Oh thatā€™s tuff

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MOHIT - meme gif

MOHIT meme gif

MOHIT - video


MOHIT - what is it?

When a girl gives a male oral sex, then proceeds to kiss another male without brushing her teeth. However, the victim must meet the following criteria:

- be under the influence of alcohol
- be desperate
- be unaware of the impending doom

Steve: Dude! I saw what you did with Katie there! Props bro
Kevin: Haha, thanks man. Oh! Check out Katie making out with that poor guy over there!
Steve: Ohh, he got a Mohit.
Kevin: That sucks.

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What does "MOHIT" mean?

It is a Sanskrit word that means 'infatuated or charmed'.

I see Mohit in the park everyday.

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MOHIT - what does it mean?

Finessing someone into taking more alcohol then they should be consuming.

Lets Mohit this guy so we can take his girl.
We Mohited the shit out of that guy last night bro.

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MOHIT - meaning

Person worshipped in Pioneer Charter School of Science. People who follow his teachings made a group called "Mohit Gang"
If you see him take a picture

Hey did you see Mohit

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MOHIT - definition

The topper guy and even with good knowledge of movies.
The one who's growing famous day by day .
The hottest guy in the group, who will get a girl whose name will start from S.
The one who's always surrounded by hot girls.

Guy- see there is coming mohit surrounded by girls.
Gf- He is like so hot na
Guy-bt u r my gf so stop..
Gf- bye.

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MOHIT - slang

Charismatic, Inspiring,Caring,Rules peoples heart with Good attitude

his name really suits to his qualities....Like Mohit has the qualities like the meaning of his name "MOHIT"

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Totally extremely lovable and loving. One who is kind, caring and is a genuine lover. Very passionate and romantic and emotional too! Best lover in the world.

He is a real 'Mohit' - the most loving and caring guy ever!

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an Alpha male with a lot of qualities and talents. He won't always be on time, and is also interested in less number of things but the things he's interested in are one of the best. He is usually charming. He gives respect only to the ones who deserves it, he won't give respect to a cheap person. Mohit is usually different from others in a lot of ways. Mohit, mostly won't watch TV because he is busy with work and being active with the people he loves, he does it sometimes but still not too often. We can say that Mohit is a gentleman.


person : a charming and a tuff guy, who's always slow at eating, guess who's he.
person 2 : obviously, Mohit.

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The Literal meaning of the word is " to commadeer ones heart " it is an amalgamation of 2 words of sanskrit Moh and Hit where, Moh is feeling of great affection and Hit stands for the heart, it has many inferences drawn.

since it is Hindi
Ussne uss ladki ko apne aacharan se mohit kar liya

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