Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MEAB?

A mean bubba/babe.

“Wow, is that Ryan??”

“Yeah he’s such a MEAB..”

👍27 👎11

MEAB - meme gif

MEAB meme gif

MEAB - video


MEAB - what is it?

smart, beautiful, young lady

angeline is sucha meab, i just adore her.

👍27 👎11

What does "MEAB" mean?


meab is lanky!

👍25 👎15

MEAB - what does it mean?

Meab#5179 is a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and he like men

Meab#5179 and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan and a dream stan he likes men

👍31 👎21

MEAB - meaning

Someone who is afraid of cartoons, or scary episodes of cartoons.

"I was seriously terrified of the zombie episode of Phineas and Ferb!"

"Are you serious? Dude you're such a meab!"

👍31 👎13

MEAB - definition

To refer to ones body part as a place of residence for a total stranger.

Maddy is such a whore, she is always meabing her bodily orifices.

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