Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MARCH 23RD?

international ask out your crush day

boy: hey will you go out with me

girl: yeah sure

boy: thank God for March 23rd

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MARCH 23RD - video


MARCH 23RD - what is it?

A day where we celebrate the release of the greatest movie of all time, Sherlock Gnomes.

β€œWhy are you celebrating?”
β€œIt’s March 23rd idiot, the day when Sherlock Gnomes came out”

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What does "MARCH 23RD" mean?

The day where all the rejects are born, and nobody wishes they ever survived the 25 week mark.

"see that bitch over there? She's such a degenerate!"
"yeah, she must be a march 23rd"

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MARCH 23RD - what does it mean?


β€œayo what day is it???”


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MARCH 23RD - meaning

The date where white people bow down to People Of Colour and apologise for being white.

Person Of Colour: Hey, it’s March 23rd.
White person: Sorry for being white. *bows down*

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MARCH 23RD - definition

national tell your friends what you really think of them!
i dare you!

jessica youre a fake ass toxic bitch and i hate you
why are you so mean?
its march 23rd its time for me to tell you the truth, bye bye.

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MARCH 23RD - slang

GIRL YOU HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS RENJUN YOU LUCKY LUCKY. It’s also probably the only thing special about you too. Be grateful, you’re twins with the bestest boy.

You’re Birthday is March 23rd? Damn,you’re twins with Renjun!

created by: @ dreamingren on twitter

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The day where the crack heads are born. The ones that your mom warned you about. The craziest one at parties. The one to hooks up with their friends then regrets it. And a dumb bitch indeed

OMG, it’s March 23rd you know we getting lit today.

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National Ligma crisis remembrance day.

On March 23rd we remember those who fell to the Ligma crisis.

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The day when extreme smartness, happiness and savageness is born
People born on this day have a heart as sweet as honey...never let others down
But totally dispise dishonesty

Eg: if she is born on March 23rd , then she definitely must be smart

Eg: His dress sense is so good! He definitely must be a march baby

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