Definder - what does the word mean?


A Person who is honest about themselves doesn't mean necessarily that you have to kill people to prove a point but too be honest and upmost about yourself.

Yo that nigga Coop is the truth he ain't never lied about himself he just graduated college and he got all A's on his test he a real nigga ,another example of course is well yo that Cee-lo on the westside keepin it real the nigga getten mad bread and mudering everything moving real tlk he tellen the truth but he a rapper now.

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A REAL NIGGA - video


A REAL NIGGA - what is it?

The friend that will bring you toilet paper when needed, weed when you want it, and girls/beer to a party

You a real nigga

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What does "A REAL NIGGA" mean?

What is A REAL NiGGA? I Real Nigga is a person you can always depend and count on when you need him. A person who can always have your back even when the tough times settle in. . . A real nigga can be a husband, a baby daddy, or any type of guy that is paying his bills, taking care of his family, being a loyal friend, being a good person in general any type of thing that could give him the respect from other people to look up to him. A real nigga can mean anything!

For Example a Real nigga, Ken went to a Club and he is going to get jumped beat up by some other niggas and his friends jump in to HELP him. If his friends didn't jump in to help Ken then they would have been some fake niggas. for instance anyone taking a bullet for their loved one. The list can go ON!

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A REAL NIGGA - what does it mean?

A real nigga is someone who puts others before himself and has people’s back when they need it, always their for someone and keeps to himself a lot, and usually a popular loner

β€œWhy does he only talk to a few people”. β€œBecause he a real nigga and has their back”.

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A REAL NIGGA - meaning

A real nigga only exists because of fake niggaz. A fake nigga by definition, is one who tries to be a real nigga but is all talk and probably a closet homosexual. A real nigga is selfless but hard as a mofo. He fights when you run, he solves problems that never existed, he stands up for beezies but lets a beezy know when she's being a down ass trick, he is what every nigga wants to be. He ain't gotta be black but for sure this nigga is G as F. Contrary to false connotations, a real nigga is not a criminal or hoodlum. But a real nigga does what has to be done and he does it HAM.

"Yo remember that night V hammered 16 RBV's then addressed a symposium about the benevolence and altruistic nature of the Aborigine? The craziest thing was that he watched Zoolander 4 times in a row right after that."
"Yeah man, you should listen to your friend Billy Zane, he's a cool dude."
"I mean yeah dude, V is a real nigga."

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A REAL NIGGA - definition

anyone that keeps it 100 with people

Brendan is a real nigga. He is always there for me

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A REAL NIGGA - slang

Contrary to popular belief, a Real Nigga is someone who always be 'themselves',not someone who goes on killing sprees and doesnt care about anything. But, being a real nigga, being yourself means showing everything about yourself but your weaknesses, knowing them at the same time.
It's all about being real and true to yourself. The opposite of real is fake.
You don't have to be black to be a real nigga, but it helps.

Being in the hood carrying a gun talkin shit is not being a real nigga, beacuse when the police come you will be crying for your mom.

Being a real nigga is doing what ever you do, doing it best, not pretending to be a wannabe thug like everybody else.

Bruce Lee is a real nigga.
Chuck norris is a real nigga.
Most rappers(e.g. lil flip,g-unit,D4l, gille da kid) ain't
real niggas.

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A real nigga doesn't brag about being real as long as he knows it. His future doesn't seem hopeless. A real nigga stays out of jail, handles shit, and he keeps focused.

Real Nigga: Hopsin

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A real nigga is a nigga that is bout what he is bout and isn't afraid to speak up for himself no matter what he faces. Real niggas don't need to call themselves real niggas if they know that they are truly real. real niggas are there for there niggas no matter the situation they wont bail out like a bitch or give a pussy ass excuses not to be there. Real niggas are about there business and rep what they rep. Real niggas are true and tell it how they see it and and don't sugar coat shit.

"Real Niggas are few and the ones that are actually real are extremely hard to find now a days "

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A man who is not only true to their selves. But REAL and true to his surrounding loved ones.

Real niggas don't lie

Real niggas don't cheat

That dude keep it 100, he a real nigga.

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