Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MARCH 19TH?

March 19th is the day for Minnesota’s biggest beauty’s to rise up and take over.

Tomorrow, on March 19th, we will turn things around.

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MARCH 19TH - video


MARCH 19TH - what is it?

Send him a twerking video

Jenna sent a twerking video to Brad on March 19th

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What does "MARCH 19TH" mean?

On this day everyone should take a moment of silence to honor the first responders and all the people who suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020

Blake:"hey look at these new tik-toks!"
Ben:"Shut up dude! It's March 19th!"

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MARCH 19TH - what does it mean?

A day where THE SMUTTIEST PERSON alive is born .

Wow u were born in March 19th, he must be top smutt.

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MARCH 19TH - meaning

National Hoe Day, no lies detected here.

Everyone born March 19th is a straight Hoe, PERIOD.

Olivia is such a hoe! She must be born March 19th.

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MARCH 19TH - definition

National, Give your boyfriend the biggest hug and tell them you love them.

Hey chris, guess what day is it
Its March 19th?
"I love you"

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MARCH 19TH - slang

International Dinosaur Day

Hey, it's International Dinosaur Day on March 19th! That's next week! RAWWR

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march 19th is the day the most prettiest, smartest cutest girls were born if you weren’t born on march 19th your not a legend ! these girls do not play . hurt there feeling and they will hunt you down ! don’t play with them . if you meet a girl born on march 19th you are one lucky person

was she born on march 19th, if so she is a legend

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A beautiful, smart. Adorable, funny, and amazing ass female was born this day

Ayo Amanda bad as hell she gotta be born on March 19th

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a mf legend was born on March 19th

Joe: what happened on March 19th

Harry: a mf legend was born
Joe: oh yeah

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