Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LiL Dicky?

When you have your AirPods in Jaming to some Lil Dicky, and the Subway employee gets mad and throws your 12in at you.

Sorry I'm late, I just experienced the Lil Dicky Affect.

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LiL Dicky - video


LiL Dicky - what is it?

The person who sucked a million man's dick and has small balls.
he also created freaky friday where he and Chris Brown fucked with each other

man: are you LiL Dicky?
guy: Yesssss wanna fuck each other?

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What does "LiL Dicky" mean?

Perhaps the worst rapper of the modern day. Made the worst rap song of the year two years in a row (Freaky Friday in 2018, Earth in 2019). Hopefully he can be euthanized so he can stop talking about his fucking dick all the time.

Lil Dicky: Did you guys know I have a small dick! It's practically the only thing I rap about!
Everyone: What Cleveland is to Machine Gun Kelly, Lil Dicky's small penis is to Lil Dicky.

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LiL Dicky - what does it mean?

a white rapper that has nothing to do with rap and like to talk about his tiny dick

person 1: Yo you heared the new lil dicky song
person 2: who the fuck is lil dicky
person 1: eminem 2.0

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LiL Dicky - meaning

An white jewish comedy rapper that is well known for songs like "$ave Dat Money" "Proffesional Rapper" & many more.

Person 1 : yo do you like Lil Dicky?
Person 2 : yahhhh, he is very funny!
Person 1 : me too homie

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LiL Dicky - definition

A singer who doesn’t stop talking about girls testicles

My lil dicky account is expiring my life is ending

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LiL Dicky - slang

Another name for the great physicist, Finnegan Webber. Known as the master of the slinky, slayer of women and for his world renowned song, Earth.

Lil dicky: Greeting physicists

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LiL Dicky

he is a jewish rapper

lil dicky is hard as fuck homie

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