Definder - what does the word mean?

What is AH YOU?

A moron who can't say fuck you.

Ah whua you!

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

AH YOU - video


AH YOU - what is it?

Someone you is "scaaarrryyyy" bc they don't have dank memes.

Shithead Harambe is my daddy

You Ah you

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "AH YOU" mean?

south carolina term for really!!!
should i belive them???????

i killed a polar bear with a
sling-shot.... reply, the hell-you say!!!?????

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AH YOU - what does it mean?

i hope jihyo and chaeyoung marry soon

μ±„μ˜-μ•„ κ²°ν˜Όν•΄μ€„λž˜?

Jihyo: μ±„μ˜-μ•„ κ²°ν˜Όν•΄μ€„λž˜? (chaeyoung-ah will you marry me?)
Chaeyoung: ew no

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AH YOU - meaning

the best word to say when your mad or get killed in a game

Me:*somebody kills me in among us*
Me: ah fuck you man
Mom: jack can you take out the trash, please
Me: no mom

Mom: please
Me: ah fuck you man

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AH YOU - definition

I sign of respect. Showing that you have heard all about the exploits of a famous cooler.

Get me a beer will ya. Ah know you.

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