Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lechuga?

Lechuga head is just another way of saying you have a huge head and i do not mean full of hair. It is commonly used with your homeboys such as Chicanos/Latinos/Vatos/Esays, but also know that it can be used against people such as your haters or your boppers by using lechuga head in a more mean tone that way they would take it as an insult. people with a lechuga head would make them seem like there head is to big for their body but it could also mean there just packing in a huge brain. Also for all those people out there who don't know what a lechuga is just lettuce but only in spanish.

Man vato u have lechuga head.

Stop being such a lechuga head!

I was watching George Lopez tonight and i swear he has the biggest lechuga head Iv'e seen.

Awww, that baby looks so cute with his big lechuga head.

Bobble heads of celebrities have such a big lechuga head.

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Lechuga - meme gif

Lechuga meme gif

Lechuga - video


Lechuga - what is it?

devious as in devil’s, lechuga as in the spanish word for lettuce. hince devils lettuce. which is marijuana!

Ay, bro you got that devious lechuga?

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What does "Lechuga" mean?

Spanish Acronym for Lettuce Go as in "Let Us Go" Le'-Choo-gah- Vah

Speaker 1: Man im tired as hell from being punked by these 1337 haxors online, Lechuga Va to the movies!!!111!one

Speaker 2: Ok, Lechuga vA!

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Lechuga - what does it mean?

In spanish, whenever you want a specific someone to be yours, you say puta lechuga to express your love for them.

Katie, puta lechuga!

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Lechuga - meaning

Lechuga gang is a gang made to do nothing but cause anarchy

Lechuga gang is just a bunch of arsonists

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Lechuga - definition

Spanish Lettuce adachi

Number 15, lechuga adachi. The last thing you want on your lechuga is adachi but as it turns out that might be what you get

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Lechuga - slang

1) lettuce
2) your mother

"I'm going to have sex with your mother, quien es una lechuga. Es la verdad."

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Spanish word for hope

When I find myself in times of trouble lechuga comes to me faith

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Spanish word for lettuce dildo

Oh yes stick it in my ass papa lechuga

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In Spanish, when you want encourage someone not to give up, you tell them: "Lechuga" which is the short pronunciation of "never give up"

Guy 1: I want to fucking KMS

Guy 2: Lechuga

Guy 1: Did you justcall me a fucking lettuce in sp-
Guy 2: ssshhhh never give up

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