Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Latham's?

Is a bender who can’t talk properly and has a gay laugh looks like a hairy toe and is very gay normally works at mcdonalds of us a bus driver

Your a Tom Latham your a bender

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Latham's - meme gif

Latham's meme gif

Latham's - video


Latham's - what is it?

To get so drunk that you become even funnier than your original sober-self

John: Did you see Adam last night??
Ben: Yeah! He was absolutely Lathamed!
John: I know! He was hilarious!

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What does "Latham's" mean?

The act of having anal sex with the receptive partner having an unwashed anus. Named in honour of NSW One Nation Leader Mark Latham's homophobic reference to getting a dirty penis during anal sex.

I finally encouraged my wife to try anal sex, I was not expecting to get Lathamed

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Latham's - what does it mean?

Latham, a mystical being, too powerful for this world. It means Latham.

He is so Latham.

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Latham's - meaning

Nothing short of a genius, Latham knows everything about anything. Unmatchable in wit and humor, latham is a kind and considerate friend and always has good advice on anything you ask him. commonly shortened to 'Lath' or 'Latho'

bro 1: dude, i'm having some trouble
bro 2: go ask latham

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Latham's - definition

to kill, destroy, fire without cause or dash one's hopes and dreams.

Did you hear about those two Virginia Tech students that they found Lathamed at a campground near campus today? Another tragedy.

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Latham's - slang

1. To nearly become successful at something (ie, Australian politics) but then cock it up monumentally

2. To go a bit psycho and break someone's arm

1. "Did Russ win the Oscar?"
"Nah mate, pulled a latham."

2. "Did you pay the taxi driver?"
"Nah, bro, I went latham on his arse"

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To Latham something is to consume a large quantity of something in a short amount of time..

Don't Latham all the food fool! We gotta save some of that for later..

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(n.) Australian expression, referring to the former Labor Party leader Mark Latham. It refers to any man who enjoys saying offensive things online as well as in the media and not taking responsibility for his words and actions.

(v.) Australian expression, referring to the act of acting like former Labor Party leader Mark Latham, as in, making offensive comments to and about people online and in the media.

1. "Some absolute Latham has been on TV, saying that there's too much politically correctness and that people in the suburbs don't care about gender or racial equality."

2. "You would never want to go Full Latham and start abusing people online".

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To layoff the majority of First Year Associates in one office after only several months of work, before they even have any real written reviews.

Bob Dell Lathamed the first years in the New York office after telling them at First Year Academy that there was a place for them at Latham & Watkins.

It is rumored that Dave Gordon went on a spectacular vacation the weekend after he Lathamed the first years in his office, suggesting he felt little sympathy for those affected.

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