Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LTS?

an acronym for Long Titty Syndrome. When a lady's milkers aren't measured in cups, but with a tape measure instead.

"Veronica took her bra off last night at the party... looked like a fruit by the foot! She had LTS so bad"
"When that LTS bitch sends me nudes, she gotta take the pic with the panoramic setting so I can see her nipples."
"she didn't always have LTS, but now that she's got 6 kids.... her boobs look like tube socks!"

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LTS - meme gif

LTS meme gif

LTS - video


LTS - what is it?

Last Turnaround Sandwich served at Wapasu camp !!

Dylan :

Hey Kathy, what did you think of that sandwich ?

Kathy : I think its from my last turnaround !!

Dylan : LTS ?

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What does "LTS" mean?

Lts is used in texting or virtual games. It means "Last to say" .

Owner: Ok. Green, LTS?
Green: LTS: Gummy bears
Everyone: Gummy bears

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LTS - what does it mean?

Let's Talk Sex

Call me tonight so we can lts. Or bbm me and let's talk sex

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LTS - meaning

Laughing Til Silent

I laughed so hard I couldn't make a sound, I was silent. LTS

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LTS - definition

A girl who is taller than the average. Phrase stemming from the taller ladies Boutique - "Long Tall Sally".

Hey bruvs, I just got me an LTS...

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LTS - slang

LTS is "Laugh To Self" - A variant for LOL (Laughing Out Loud)
A portrayal of good humor - before reaching the LOL stage.

People often type LOL when they aren't really LOL. 11 year old Kristen Tobey from Fort Wayne, IN noticed this and started encouraging friends to type LTS for gathering humor, which caught on. This opens the door for more shortcut terms in degrees of chuckle.

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Ling tosite Sigure (Japanese: 凛として時雨, Hepburn: Rin Toshite Shigure, literally "Cold as shower in late autumn", stylized as Ling tosite sigure) are a Japanese rock trio, formed in 2002 in Saitama Prefecture.5 The band's style resembles post-hardcore and progressive rock, often incorporating rapid changes of tempo and mood framed in complex guitar melodies and technical drumming. They utilize both male and female vocals ranging from soft singing to loud wails and screams.

I'm kinda new to LTS. D'you know any of their songs which are similar to Sergio Echigo?

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Love This Shit

Today I got to cook for the best chefs in the world LTS

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Long Taco Service

person: wanna call up the LTS?

person: yes

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