Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Koganator?

Kogan Hail was a leader in the organization known as The Real Conspirators. The huge internet mafia is rumored to still be around, but the website he currently resides on is a mystery.

I Voted Kogan Hail!

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Koganator - meme gif

Koganator meme gif

Koganator - video


Koganator - what is it?

hottest man alive

keith kogane is so hot

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What does "Koganator" mean?

keith kogane: he's a character from voltron: legendary defender, he's a male, and he's really f*cking gay. like, he most likely has a crush on lance mcclain
like seriously he's a gay furry!!!!! yeah he's a furry, galra, furry, same thing.....
his heart ripped to shreds when lance "didn't" remember, poor furry...

keith kogane being homo: WE HAD A BONDING MOMENT, I CRADLED YOU IN MY ARMS??????
lance mcclain, the guy he's gay for: nope don't remember didnt happen

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Koganator - what does it mean?

Word used to describe an ignorant high school girl who is utterly incompetent and is a hindrance to society. Often trendy while still claiming thier individuality.

Anya can be such a kogan sometimes. Just yesterday she asked me if Big Ben was a bus

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Koganator - meaning

A man or woman characterized by extreme douche baggery. Usually an old grumpy spoilsport that hates fun, and enjoys being a buzzkill.

That grumpy old kogan fucked us over when he didn't let us camp on his land.

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Koganator - definition

Tiny penis

He doesn’t get any girls because he has a Kogan

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Koganator - slang

It is the bromance name for Big Time Rush's Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson. It's the most popular 'ship' in Big Time Rush and they're like brothers-best buddies and knew each other before the formation of the band. They often hang-out and go on vacations together and share a special bond compared to other members of the band.

Rusher 1: What's your favorite bromance in Big Time Rush?
Rusher 2: Is that even a question? Kogan all the way.
Rusher1: Oh yeah, I don't think any Rusher can deny the special bond that they share!

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Originally used to describe sub-standard cocaine, it now means anything that looks OK at first glance, but is actually deeply dodgy.

I bought a 50-spot bag from Jimmy, and it looked and even tasted right, but I couldn't get any sort of buzz from it. Turns out it was Kogane, dude.

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Ultimately a crusader of evil who was stupid enough to buy a crappy Kogan TV. Who now must spend every waking hour trying to convince everybody that the piece of crap is good value.

Man 1: "See how awesome my crappy Kogan TV is, dont be fooled by the bluish blacks and the yellow tinge. Its perfect."

Man 2: "Here comes the Koganator"

Man 1: "Yes, i wasted money on a crappy TV and i will not rest until i make sure everybody thinks its great...even though its not"

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One of the greatest true loves shared by Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson. Their love is very obvious, but neither will admit... yet...

"Do you ship Kogan?"
"Everyone does."

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